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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

I am surprised there are no posts in this thread regarding Aarons playing time
against wisconsin. Especially when time was winding down late in the game
and the ball seemed to get away from him at a critical moment. I know i sure felt bad for him. At that moment before the ball getting away from him i was
hoping he would take charge and try and make something happen to score or get fouled trying to go in low. Thats just how he plays and like i stated in other threads this will be interesting to see how they re-act to this loss for the next 4 games. I am still very optomistic for the team.
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Craft has been more careless down the stretch in several games lately. He has had unforced turnovers at critical times (Northwestern, Wisconsin) and taken shots much too early in the shot clock when we have the lead towards the ends of games. His defense, while usually great, has shown lapses throughout the season - earlier in the season, it seemed like once a game he would look the other way and the man he was defending would drive in for an uncontested layup. Against Wisconsin, he had difficulty coming over the top of screens - part of this is due to Sullinger's man doing the screening, and Sullinger not coming over to help out - watching Sullinger intentionally choose not to help makes me think that this is part of our strategy to keep him out of foul trouble (I think he has been asked not to do so for fear of getting cheap foul calls by Matta - we can not afford to lose Sully due to lack of depth at his position).

Having said all of that, Craft is very talented, intelligent, and gritty and I am fully confident he will learn from these games in time to be our floor leader for an NCAA run. A lot of this might also be because the word got out on how good Craft is, and now teams are targeting their game plan with Craft in mind.
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