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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Craft did show incredible hustle, and not just on the play everyone is talking about. There were a couple other steals where he just outran the opponent as they were running down the court or to a pass. I really like what Craft brings.

That said, he is just a frosh and does show that with some turnovers that, ironically, seem so out of character for someone who seems so court savvy. Obviously, that's just the freshman in him, but it's such a paradox because for much of the game, he's just making the hustle plays and solid decisions, and then there'll be a strange one (like the double dribble last night) that reminds you he's just a freshman.
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matcar;1875035; said:
Craft did show incredible hustle, and not just on the play everyone is talking about. There were a couple other steals where he just outran the opponent as they were running down the court or to a pass. I really like what Craft brings.

That said, he is just a frosh and does show that with some turnovers that, ironically, seem so out of character for someone who seems so court savvy. Obviously, that's just the freshman in him, but it's such a paradox because for much of the game, he's just making the hustle plays and solid decisions, and then there'll be a strange one (like the double dribble last night) that reminds you he's just a freshman.

I think on the double-dribble play that he started to make a pass down court and the defender just anticipated it early. Nice defensive play by whoever it was, and a mistake anyone could have made on Craft's part.
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SEREbuckeye;1874936; said:
II like this guy, if he stays all for years he could easily be one of OSU's best PG's, but he still has to show growth.
I am not saying that Craft is a very good college PG who gives his all to the game and he will be here until he graduates from college. He needs to improve on a number of things before he is even ready for the next level if he even gets there. He needs to drastically improve his three-point shooting and guys that play the PG at the next level are extremely quick and I am not saying that Craft is not quick buddy is not NBA quick. He will be here for all four years.
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LitlBuck;1875736; said:
I am not saying that Crater is a very good college PG who gives his all to the game and he will be here until he graduates from college. He needs to improve on a number of things before he is even ready for the next level if he even gets there. He needs to drastically improve his three-point shooting and guys that play the PG at the next level are extremely quick and I am not saying that Craft is not quick buddy is not NBA quick. He will be here for all four years.

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Craft's creditable credo
OSU freshman always put others first
By Marla Ridenour
Beacon Journal sports columnist
Published on Sunday, Feb 20, 2011


Ohio State basketball opponents: Beware the fist of Aaron Craft.

The freshman point guard has made a huge impact for the No. 2-ranked Buckeyes, including running down a loose ball Tuesday against Michigan State. Letting it go to avoid an over-and-back call, the Spartans saw Craft lay the ball in and draw a foul from a late pursuer, which Craft punctuated with a clenched fist.

Fans at Liberty-Benton High School saw that clench often. At the school with an enrollment of 425, Craft led Liberty-Benton to a 79-1 record in the regular season during his four years of varsity basketball and a 38-4 record in football during his three years as starting quarterback. He gave up the latter as a senior to concentrate on the sport that might hold the key to his future.

Football coach Tim Nichols can't forget Craft's ultimate highlight, a 97-yard touchdown run in the regional final against Patrick Henry in Craft's junior year when he should have been sacked 6 yards deep in the end zone. Nichols still marvels at Craft's vision, burst and ability in the open field, but he also misses Craft's uncanny ability to know when the opponent was beaten.

''He'd always come over ? it could be in the first half, it could be late in the fourth ? and he'd smile and he'd say, 'We've got 'em now,' '' Nichols said. ''I'd say, 'Why? What's going on?' and he'd say, 'They're starting to argue with each other' or 'They're coming apart out there.' You'd see the same mannerism, he always has what he does with his fist. And he would be smiling about it. 'We got 'em this time.' ''

During a visit to Liberty-Benton earlier this month, everyone who knows Craft recalled a favorite story, most having nothing to do with athletics.

The essay

Craft and his best friend, Brett Pasche, now playing football at Hillsdale College, were nearly inseparable. During their senior year, they observed ''Tie Tuesday,'' and ratcheted that up to suits for their final week because they wanted to finish strong.

An essay they teamed on for their 12th-grade English class still brings tears to the eyes of principal Brenda Frankart. Assigned to write about something they found inspiring, Craft and Pasche selected a disabled senior who had served as team manager in football and basketball and helped out in baseball.

''The boy was never down, he was always smiling and eager to be here,'' Frankart said. ''He was always the happiest person you'd ever meet. He liked to be around Aaron and Brett and they looked out for him.

''Aaron said, 'I've come to realize my life would be better if I could adopt the Joey way. To make the most of every day and have fun and smile and not let things get to you.' ''


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''He'd always come over ? it could be in the first half, it could be late in the fourth ? and he'd smile and he'd say, 'We've got 'em now,' '' Nichols said. ''I'd say, 'Why? What's going on?' and he'd say, 'They're starting to argue with each other' or 'They're coming apart out there.' You'd see the same mannerism, he always has what he does with his fist. And he would be smiling about it. 'We got 'em this time.' ''

Let's watch for the FIST today! Go AC, Go Bucks!!
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You know, that Miley Cyrus karaoke video is going to be the best parenting tool ever for him one day. His kid will get self-conscious over something minor and Aaron will put everything into perspective by pulling that thing out and saying: "Yeah, but I did THIS and your Mom still fell in love with me . . .".
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exhawg;1876689; said:
Wow Aaron Craft might be the best person I've ever heard of. Is it too early to elect him president?

"I gotta tell you, if you ever have the opportunity, just spend 10 minutes with Aaron Craft and it'll make you a better person!"

-- Thom Brannaman

(or something like that)
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if a player hustles on the court and gives every ounce like craft does, then he will spend every available minute during the off-season honing and expanding his game. i really feel that we're witnessing a player well below his ceiling.
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Could it be possible that he may be thinking about playing football this coming season. Is he that strong and quick enough to do it? It was reported that Aaron did go up to Coach Tressel and offered to fill in for Pryor during his suspension or was that all just in fun. I don't know, but you have to just wonder what kind of football player would be for Ohio State. Just asking.
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