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PF/C Kosta Koufos (CSKA Moscow)

With Ohio State's Kosta Koufos, the NBA faces a tough decision
Friday, May 23, 2008
Bill Livingston
Plain Dealer Columnist

Some collegians announce they are turning pro, and you know it is their destiny, sure as a Greg Oden dunk, their only hesitation the change-of-pace move Mike Conley Jr. used to baffle defenders.

Some guys aren't ready, and you know the dream is false for them so young. It was that way with Michael Redd when he left Ohio State after three years and lingered until the second round, taken as the 43rd pick of the 2000 NBA draft. The Redd with a huge contract in Milwaukee now is a different player, more of a sniper than a slasher. He re-made his game in practice, barely playing his first season.

The Buckeyes' Kosta Koufos has declared for the NBA draft after one season in Columbus. He has not hired an agent, so he could choose to return to school.

He is not ready for the NBA, although the first-round money might be too good to pass up for a 7-foot-1-inch player with outside range.

With Ohio State's Kosta Koufos, the NBA faces a tough decision- cleveland.com
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I thought that he already hired an agent.

Good catch!
You would think that Bill Livingston before outlining Koufos' options,
The Buckeyes' Kosta Koufos has declared for the NBA draft after one season in Columbus. He has not hired an agent, so he could choose to return to school.
Whether Koufos might go NBA, opt for the Europe League is viable, but "choose to return to school?
One would assume that Livingston would have researched Koufos' status before writing this column. So is Livingston aware of something the Repository doesn't know or is he just out of the loop!

osugrad21;1159372; said:
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Koufos picks an agent; next choice is NBA or Greece[/FONT]
Friday, May 9, 2008
BY Todd Porter

Koufos didn't have to look far to find an agent to represent him here and abroad. Mark Termini, one of the NBA's most respected agents, was just up the highway.
Kathy Koufos confirmed Thursday that Termini has been hired to represent her son, an athletic 7-footer who is an intriguing 19-year-old draft prospect. Kosta Koufos was unavailable for comment. Termini's agency is based in Brecksville.
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Former Canton GlenOak and Ohio State Buckeyes star Kosta Koufos trying to impress NBA scouts

Monday, May 26, 2008 Mary Schmitt Boyer

Plain Dealer Reporter
Kosta Koufos hopes what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas.
Koufos, 19, the former Canton GlenOak star who left Ohio State after his freshman year, has been working out with other draft prospects in Joe Abunassar's Impact Basketball training camp in Las Vegas for six weeks, trying to improve his stock in the June 26 NBA draft.
Koufos recently signed with sports attorney Mark Termini's Cleveland-based sports management agency, MTA Inc. Veteran agent Andy Bountogianis, MTA's director of worldwide basketball, will assist with all international business and basketball matters for Koufos.

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Among those who apparently took umbrage to being bypassed on the physicals-only list and will be Orlando no-shows are Florida sophomore center Marreese Speights, Arizona sophomore guard Chase Budinger, Kansas junior guard Mario Chalmers, Ohio State freshman center Kosta Koufos, Memphis junior guard Chris Douglas-Roberts, Stanford sophomore forward Robin Lopez and Kansas State freshman forward Bill Walker.

Those players instead will count on individual team tryouts, which are not allowed until next Tuesday. Also missing from the Orlando playing roster is Georgetown center Roy Hibbert, who had been projected as a lottery pick had he left school last year.
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well considering KK struggled at OSU for much of the year, and didn't produce like expect I think it would've been best to go and show what he's got. It's like what AJ Hawk did a couple years back. Sure everyone knew he could play but he had nothing to hide from NO ONE and went just to compete with the other guys. Plus if I was KK I honestly don't know if I want the other teams to watch the 30+ games from college, because he didn't play that well to be honest in a lot of them.To me, with him not competing with the other college kids, that shows me IMO that he's hiding something or is afraid of being exposed. Not only did I think KK could've used another year I thought he could've used two more years. Best of luck to the 7 footer, but I duno if this was the right move.
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It would have been big for him in the sense that he likely would have been the highest rated prospect playing. If he plays well, he could solidify himself as a top 20 player. Yeah there's the risk of playing bad, but no matter how bad he plays, he'll still be a first rounder. He could have really helped himself with some teams in the 15-20 area IMO.
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Kosta Koufos making an impression in private NBA workouts
Saturday, June 7, 2008
By Todd Porter

CANTON Your 401(k) is taking a beating. The NASDAQ is down. But Kosta Koufos' stock is up with fewer than three weeks before the NBA Draft market closes.

Where will the former GlenOak High School and Ohio State star be drafted June 26? A better question is: Where is Koufos?

The 7-foot-1 1/2 center is lighting up individual workouts and fighting jet lag during a whirlwind trip through NBA cities. His most recent stop in Seattle included work against UCLA's Kevin Love, and word is Koufos left the Emerald City having bested the Bruins star in one-on-one drills.

Koufos is scheduled to visit about a dozen teams before the draft.

He is back in Canton this weekend, but will fly out again next week.

"The travel hasn't been tiring at all," Koufos said. "I played very well in Toronto and Seattle, and had great workouts at both places. I feel very confident in my situation. I've been traveling my whole life, so my body adapts to it pretty well. God has blessed me with these great opportunities."

Even more opportunities seem to be coming.

Mock drafts rate him

"If you would've told me before the (college) season he would be anywhere between 18 and the 20s (in the first round), I wouldn't have believed you," said Chris Monter, a former Alliance resident who runs Monter Draft News. "He's a player who had a good, but not great, freshman season. But the expectations were high on him with the McDonald's All-America team and the great career he had at GlenOak."

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You don't think the scouts have watched his game films and already know about those weaknesses?

If anything, a chance to run wide open is a chance to shine.

I still feel that going to the camp would have been a bad move for KK.....and giving the scouts another look at his unique skill set in a workout is better than going and not performing well at the camp.
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