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PF/C Kosta Koufos (CSKA Moscow)

Napoleonbuck;1168165; said:
Kosta won't be fast enough to play that far from the basket unless you're saying he'll be shooting 15-20 foot jumpers, in which case I agree.

He's an ok shooter, but nothing great. He's mediocre defensively because of his athleticism, and he's not a good rebounder for his size. He's an excellent prospect, but I don't think that's who I'd want if I'm Ferry.

I think Koufos' upside is Mehmet Okur. He needs to work on his shot though. I was disappointed how inconsistent he was from 3 this year. To be effective, I think he'll need to develop that three point shot.

If Kosta can consistently knock down the jumper, he will be able to get to the basket. His game just didn't translate to a Big 10 pound it out style.

I understand this isn't the best indicator b/c of the competition, but this is the tournament that had everyone saying he'd be a top 5 pick when he declared for the draft.

[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=jWXuBbhrjU8"]YouTube - Kosta Koufos MVP U-18 European Championship(13-8-2007)[/ame]
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billmac91;1168170; said:
If Kosta can consistently knock down the jumper, he will be able to get to the basket. His game just didn't translate to a Big 10 pound it out style.

I understand this isn't the best indicator b/c of the competition, but this is the tournament that had everyone saying he'd be a top 5 pick when he declared for the draft.

YouTube - Kosta Koufos MVP U-18 European Championship(13-8-2007)
You just can't compare under 18 year olds European basketball players with NBA players who are so much more physically mature than the players Kosta was playing against last summer. I will admit that he is a nice shooter but I also believe he is a long-term project... probably 2-3 years to be NBA ready.
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LitlBuck;1168173; said:
You just can't compare under 18 year olds European basketball players with NBA players who are so much more physically mature than the players Kosta was playing against last summer. I will admit that he is a nice shooter but I also believe he is a long-term project... probably 2-3 years to be NBA ready.

That's valid about the competition....I just think his style in that system showed what he's capable of. Playing 10 feet from the hoop as a traditional center isn't going to highlight his strengths. It probably made him a more rounded player, but it just seemed like he wasn't comfortable in his role a lot of the year.

I think he's capable of being a part of a rotation somewhere. I don't think he really fits the Cavs style, unless Mike Brown hires someone who knows something about that end of the court. I wouldn;t mind the pick though because it'd be exciting to see what LeBron could do with 4 other guys on the court capable of kncoking down a 20 foot shot. If Kosta went to a team that likes to run, and lets him hang out on the perimeter I think he could make an impact. His biggest detrerrent to getting on the court early will be his defense. Banging with other 4's in the league and keeping them off the glass will take some time.

I think he's going to be a very solid pro. Probably not an All-Star caliber player, but a key player throughout his career. I think the Mehmet Okur comparison is fair, although Kosta is considerably faster and more athletic. I don't think Kosta will ever be able to carry the weight Mehmet does either. He's somewhere between Mehmet and Dirk on the skill/athletiscm chart.
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Whoever made the comment about KK to the cavs and his ability to knock down jumpers isn't that Z's job? I can understand Z acting as a mentor but other than that it doesn't really make sense not to mention that would not be helping right away
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korchiki;1168267; said:
Whoever made the comment about KK to the cavs and his ability to knock down jumpers isn't that Z's job? I can understand Z acting as a mentor but other than that it doesn't really make sense not to mention that would not be helping right away

I think the point is that you wouldn't have a PF who clogs things up. Yes, one of Z's roles is to knock down the jumper. You still have two PF's who play a majority of the game that bring nothing to offensive end other than rebounding.

Just like Eric Snow and now Ben Wallace and Anderson Varejao, defenses can play a center fielder when they're in the game. They hope the ball ends up in their hands b/c it is going to be ridiculous shot or a flat out miss.
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Maybe I'm thinking selfishly but I definetly think another year at the OSU would have helped him. As stated above he needs to prove he can pound in the middle with the big boys. Until he does that he will only be mediocre in the NBA. As far as comparisons to Dirk N.(not even going to try to spell), Dirk has all the tools & athleticism which is why he was an MVP. Either way best of luck Kosta, enjoyed seeing you play in the scarlet & gray.:biggrin:
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Man oh man, you guys have no faith in my cousin. As usual he will prove you

all wrong just as he has done to every other human being in this world who

had questioned any part of him. His hunger for basketball is literally second to

none. He works out and practices, thats all he does. Everyday, its like clock

work. I've truly never seen that kind of drive in a person before in my life.

Those are the things that all you guys are not seeing or able to realize and

that is the reason why he will prove everyone wrong as usual!!!!!!!!
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Please don't mistake some people's critiques of his game for any kind of dislike or ill will. I am confident in saying that everyone on here wants to see him succeed just as much as you do. People are just trying to provide objective analysis of his game and where they see him fitting in.
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Dino Alevras;1168353; said:
Man oh man, you guys have no faith in my cousin. As usual he will prove you

all wrong just as he has done to every other human being in this world who

had questioned any part of him. His hunger for basketball is literally second to

none. He works out and practices, thats all he does. Everyday, its like clock

work. I've truly never seen that kind of drive in a person before in my life.

Those are the things that all you guys are not seeing or able to realize and

that is the reason why he will prove everyone wrong as usual!!!!!!!!

As does most kids getting ready for the draft....

Good luck to your Cousin in whatever he does.
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Dino Alevras;1168353; said:
Man oh man, you guys have no faith in my cousin. As usual he will prove you all wrong just as he has done to every other human being in this world who had questioned any part of him. His hunger for basketball is literally second to none. He works out and practices, thats all he does. Everyday, its like clock work. I've truly never seen that kind of drive in a person before in my life.

Those are the things that all you guys are not seeing or able to realize and that is the reason why he will prove everyone wrong as usual!!!!!!!!

No one disrespects Buckeye players on this site. Nobody is "hatin'" because he decided to move on to the NBA.

I also don't think anyone here is doubting that "your cousin" has potential in the NBA. There is little doubt that he has the size and skill set that indicate such potential. Consequently, I don't know who everyone is or how he will prove them "wrong"?

What people have questioned is whether another year at college level, playing a true PF position, would have prepared him to take advantage of his potential a bit more. Everybody has a skill set in the pros. The players are more mature and have greater skills than KF encountered in Europe. At his age, another year of maturity can make a big difference. Physically, emotionally. That was the point.
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IronBuckI;1167916; said:
If the Cavs can't find a #19 pick that will contribute right away, then the Cavs need to get better scouts.

There's a difference between finding a guy that can contribute right away and finding a guy that will will be a star in a year or two. What happens if they draft a SG and then they have the opportunity to trade for a guy like Redd? That draft pick doesn't have nearly the value that it did if that guy was a starter. KK would fill a need that the Cavs are going to have in a year or two. No one they draft at #19 is going to turn them into a championship team next year.
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There's a difference between finding a guy that can contribute right away and finding a guy that will will be a star in a year or two. What happens if they draft a SG and then they have the opportunity to trade for a guy like Redd? That draft pick doesn't have nearly the value that it did if that guy was a starter. KK would fill a need that the Cavs are going to have in a year or two. No one they draft at #19 is going to turn them into a championship team next year.
jason caffey of the bulls circa 1995 would beg to differ...
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