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PF/C Kosta Koufos (CSKA Moscow)

I know he's a couple years away from being a force in the NBA, but I would still take him at 22 if he's there for the Cavs. He'll never be a basher inside, but he will probably develop a good post game to go with his above average shooting. He could be like Z with a few extra feet of range. It would be cool to get another Ohio guy or two on the Cavs roster.
watching the cavs this weekend i saw a similar skill set with z. granted kof is smaller by what 3 inches?
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exhawg;1161183; said:
I know he's a couple years away from being a force in the NBA, but I would still take him at 22 if he's there for the Cavs. He'll never be a basher inside, but he will probably develop a good post game to go with his above average shooting. He could be like Z with a few extra feet of range. It would be cool to get another Ohio guy or two on the Cavs roster.
That web site is predicting that the Cavs will take a kid by the name of Thompson, 6'10", Rider, who has a very nice skill but who knows where Cleveland might be drafting.:wink2: This talk should probably be on Cleveland's thread.
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The NBA's one year rule was an absurd compromise. It does college ball no good, and just adds to the NCAA's enforcement headaches. Personally, I think they should either go with the three year rule as in football, or just go back to drafting high school kids under a system similar to hockey or baseball with a proper minor league.

We'll have to see how the two year system works out. In this case, a forced second year would have been a benefit to all involved -- player, college team and future pro team, although I think that in KK's case he'd have still left to go play in Greece for a few years.
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MaxBuck;1161193; said:
Tyson Chandler seems more apt to me.

I really don't see this comparison. Chandler leaps very well and is a fine shot blocker, but doesn't handle the ball or shoot very well. I know he has a great shooting percentage, but that's because CP3 sets him up for a lot of alley-oops and putbacks.
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OH10;1168134; said:
I certainly do not. I've put it out there many times that I do not see KK succeeding at the next level. There will be players at 19 that can and will. Find them. Scout them. Take one.

Kosta will be a better NBA than college player. He was out of position at tOSU. As long as the coach that gets him isn't an idiot, Kosta will have the opportunity to play 15-20 feet out and be able to exploit big men away from the hoop.

I don't see how he helps Cleveland right away though. Unless they trade Ben Wallace, Anderson, or Joe Smith. The Cavs have somewhat of a logjam.

I'd love to see the Cavs acquire Redd, and in that scenario you have to think Anderson probably is included.

An offesnive line-up of West, Redd, LBJ, Kosta, and Z is pretty interesting though. That's a lot of good shooters.
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Kosta will have the opportunity to play 15-20 feet out and be able to exploit big men away from the hoop.
I don't see how he is going to exploit other big men away from the hoop. I personally do not think he is very athletic and you look at the guys who play the 4 position in the NBA and they will take him to school. He is not that athletic and, right now, he is not physically mature. Guys would get out on him and say try and take it past me big fella. I think he would be better off going to Europe and playing or he should have stayed in school. JMO
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billmac91;1168138; said:
Kosta will be a better NBA than college player. He was out of position at tOSU. As long as the coach that gets him isn't an idiot, Kosta will have the opportunity to play 15-20 feet out and be able to exploit big men away from the hoop.

I don't see how he helps Cleveland right away though. Unless they trade Ben Wallace, Anderson, or Joe Smith. The Cavs have somewhat of a logjam.

I'd love to see the Cavs acquire Redd, and in that scenario you have to think Anderson probably is included.

An offesnive line-up of West, Redd, LBJ, Kosta, and Z is pretty interesting though. That's a lot of good shooters.

Kosta won't be fast enough to play that far from the basket unless you're saying he'll be shooting 15-20 foot jumpers, in which case I agree.

He's an ok shooter, but nothing great. He's mediocre defensively because of his athleticism, and he's not a good rebounder for his size. He's an excellent prospect, but I don't think that's who I'd want if I'm Ferry.

I think Koufos' upside is Mehmet Okur. He needs to work on his shot though. I was disappointed how inconsistent he was from 3 this year. To be effective, I think he'll need to develop that three point shot.
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