Ready for takeoff
His departure from Ohio State was slightly turbulent, and his life has been a whirlwind ever since, but in the eyes of some NBA observers, Kosta Koufos is ready
Sunday, June 22, 2008
By Bob Baptist
"I wanted to pursue my professional career. The best thing for me was to maintain my focus on basketball."
Kosta Koufos, on his decision to leave OSU for the NBAKosta Koufos called from an airport gate Thursday night. The background noise included announcements of flights headed here or there. He was about to board one.
Since the first week in June, when he landed in Toronto to audition for the Raptors, this has been his life. Here today, there tomorrow, interviewing, testing and playing for one NBA team after another that might take the 7-footer in the first round of the draft Thursday night.
It is a laborious routine, but the former Ohio State center is 19 and full of adrenaline, about to realize his dream.
"Not tiring at all," Koufos said of the whirlwind few weeks he has had. "I'm very excited about this. God has given me a wonderful opportunity ... a lifetime opportunity for me.
"I get to travel cross-country playing basketball," he said, and stretch his legs in first class while doing it. "I'm traveling good."
Looking good, too, according to some reports.
Once viewed as going 20th or lower in the draft, a reported combination of impressive workouts and better-than-expected athleticism, as well as some other first-rounders pulling out of the draft, have elevated Koufos to the fringe of the lottery, which comprises the top 14 picks.
"Koufos is gaining momentum at the moment" and has held the upper hand in most workouts against UCLA's Kevin Love, a higher-rated but shorter forward, draft insider Chad Ford wrote on ESPN.com last week.
Ford also predicted that Koufos would have been a top-five pick had he waited until 2009 to leave school. That being the case, he could have received twice as much in salary over the length of his rookie contract.
But "it's not about money," Koufos said when told of that projection. "I just want to play in the league. It's been a dream of mine. Now I have the opportunity."
BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Kosta Koufos: Ready for takeoff