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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Not surprising that The Cult would turn a story about seeing James Franklin in a grocery store into one Joebot after another trying to top each other with tales about seeing Joesus himself out and about in State College or on campus. Just shake my head at the story of the guy playing a pickup football game in the snow when Joesus happened to walk past and the intensity level of the game "got ratcheted up a few notches." :sick1:

I like the story about how the one guy thought it was cool that time Joe almost hit him with his car - if only!
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I almost ran over Coach Cooper one time. Was driving my daughter somewhere or other through campus when she was little.

Does that make me special?

What year was that? You could have saved me a lot of angst, you know.
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Hilarious quote from "Elmgrovegnome" in the linked thread. Apparently, ***-raping children on campus is fine, as long as you are not standing in the mulch while committing sodomy. I am shocked that there would be a story about someone idolizing Joesus; so out of character for The Cult. I can't believe a mere peasant expected a deity like Joesus to sign an autograph for a common student. Wasn't it enough that Joesus built the library, the Bryce Jordan Center and tripled the capacity of Beaver Stadium?

"I was at PSU from 85 to 91 and my interactions with Joe were memorable in other ways than stated here. I was warned by dorm mates not to bother him. I was with a friend that idolized him and ran up to him excited and Joe was very annoyed. I saw a kid ask for an autograph and Joe yelled at him to not stand in the mulch and kept moving. The kid looked crushed.

I played it safe and just said 'Hi Coach.'"
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Hilarious quote from "Elmgrovegnome" in the linked thread. Apparently, ***-raping children on campus is fine, as long as you are not standing in the mulch while committing sodomy. I am shocked that there would be a story about someone idolizing Joesus; so out of character for The Cult. I can't believe a mere peasant expected a deity like Joesus to sign an autograph for a common student. Wasn't it enough that Joesus built the library, the Bryce Jordan Center and tripled the capactiy of Beaver Stadium?

"I was at PSU from 85 to 91 and my interactions with Joe were memorable in other ways than stated here. I was warned by dorm mates not to bother him. I was with a friend that idolized him and ran up to him excited and Joe was very annoyed. I saw a kid ask for an autograph and Joe yelled at him to not stand in the mulch and kept moving. The kid looked crushed.

I played it safe and just said 'Hi Coach.'"

I call bullshit. Everyone knows that nobody called him "Coach".
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