I think we're both saying the same thing. I stated that Tress was fired for lying. I made no mention of swag or tattoos. The point is that we OSU fans may have been shocked by each incident, but we knew that the institution would take responsible steps and it did.
But, if we were faced, as Penn State fans are, with a situation where those in charge of the football program, and the university, ignored their responsibilities with regard to the hideous situation of having a pedophile on staff, if they instead enabled his activities, if they planned a cover up. and if it went on for several years, we would be in a moment of cognitive dissidence.
In such a situation some of us, myself included, might well not accept the evidence for a period of time. That's simply a product of human nature. I would hope that we would soon come to our collective senses.
That progression is totally absent in much of what we see on BWI. The failure of their monitors to step in immediately and right the ship has allowed this nonsense to continue and develop into a community of warped minds, unable to step outside and see the faults in their position.
Completely agree.
This happened at OSU and I'm headed to Columbus pitchfork and torch in hand(and not to protest the "injustice" to the football program either).
I am in the camp that says football at the OSU level is a semi pro sport and conflicts with the academic mission of the university so yeah, I would have a hard time with a serial pedophile on staff and cult like worship of the enabling head coach. In fact I'd be firmly in the "let's shut it down, cool off and maybe start playing DIII again in a few years" kind of approach.
I shall be damned if you ever found me defending the holy wins or statues the like a certain pack of reprehensible, sick, twisted sycophants are.