They have invented this reality where Paterno says things for which there is no actual quote to back it up. Paterno never said if he knew a child had been sexually abused he WOULD have marched McQueary to the police. Don't bother Googling it. You'll not find it in the GJ presentment. It's a myth that was created because they cannot face the reality that their moral mentor was a deeply flawed, deceitful, weak human being who only gave the appearance that he gave a [Mark May] about people that didn't play football for Ped State. These sick cult bastards ignore the real quotes, emails and JoePed's own sworn testimony because there is no way to rationalize that. Any sane person will come to the same conclusion that Freeh reached - the most powerful men at Penn State stood by and did nothing to stop a known serial pedophile.
The grand experiment, the moralizing, supposed grad rate success was all to build an image of superiority. A few years before he was fired, he suffered an injury when a player rolled up on his leg and broke it. His inner circle was so intent on making sure the media did not photograph him appearing feeble or weak all so that he could continue to coach as long as he wanted. Scott and Jay successfully petitioned the the university to bar all media from filming JoePed at practices in his golf cart or being assisted around by the staff. Then they hired a media consulting company to film a few practices where Paterno is running around with players, enforcing discipline at practice and generally appearing more involved in coaching than he had in years to give the public the perception that he should be entitled to coach forever. The whole thing was very staged for one purpose and the administration went right along with it. But there was no culture problem right?