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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

dav713;2193505; said:
This seems less reasonable...Think of those poor students that will not be allowed to get an education!!!

More altruism from Keith.

There is a simple solution to that. Force Penn State to increase general scholarships for every lost football scholarship. Kids still get an education, and it's not based on athletic ability.
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gmen6981;2193518; said:

Still there...I just voted "happy" and changed it to 58%.

I kept switching from Thrilled to Happy and back to Thrilled, just in case some angry PSU fan is reading the article and happens to see the %'s constantly changing. Subtle trolling is still fun trolling.
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Although there was no vote, if there was it would have passed by about 19-2. And I'll leave you with this
Lubrano said:
**** Thank you, Karen. I have the us most respect for President Erickson. I believe he acted in what he thought was the best interests of Penn State. As I have stated publicly, I am deeply disappointed in the process to which Penn State agreed to the Consent Decree. As a trustee, I was excluded from the process. Yet our head football was consulted. To me that seems ironic. Second, the board of trustees hand been told by legal counsel the NCAA relied on the grand jury presentment and the Freeh Report. Today I required for the first time that Mark emrt relied on information from the Sandusky trial though I'm en unsure how he received that information. As for the grand jury, I don't need to repeat the flaws there.With respect to the Sandusky report, they are not found in evident. With respect to the Freeh Report, the findings are so inconsistent with reality, I find them to be intentionally inflammatory.For example, Penn State has served as model program for other NCAA member institutions. Contrary to the conclusion we had a culture program. For those of us involved we know how untrue that is and we know how absurd a reference to an a lack of academic integrity is. No school has graduated more student a little least than Penn State. Finally, I too want to move forward but not at the price of our proud past. For us to move forward we must built a bridge to the past rather than whitewash Penn State of the past. Too much of us have a deep affection because of the values and ideas of a man named paterno. He has more integrity than the leadership has in the entire body I am confident the fact will unfeel. I'm confident the community will rise to the occasion and show the world how from youly great we are.
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BuckeyeInWA;2193507; said:
So I came into my office today fully intending to get caught up on some work. Then I made the mistake of checking BWI. This [Mark May] is just too damn funny. I don't know how I'm going to be productive today with the constant craving to check in on the meltdown :(

Oh and, so it doesn't get buried under all the threads about the BoT meetings, Mack Daddy got a visit from the cops after emailing a thinly veiled death threat to the governor of Pennslyvania?


They should have tased his ass! :tongue2:
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OSU_Buckguy;2193532; said:
who would be dissenting along with lubrano? save for guido, each ultimately endorsed erickson and tacitly stated that he or she would ratify the consent decree.

Lubrano, McCombie and Myers are the three that are in open opposition to the rest of the board.

BWI is attacking Taliafero now. Saying that he shouldn't have been elected and only received the sympathy vote.
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Everyone's reaction when Penn State takes the field on the road...

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ORD_Buckeye;2193533; said:
Lubrano, McCombie and Myers are the three that are in open opposition to the rest of the board.
mccombie stated that he will no longer pursue an appeal. he also backs erickson. myers stated that he does not accept the freeh report findings but also stated that psu needs to move forward, which many cultists are taking as acquiescing to the consent decree.
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OSU_Buckguy;2193532; said:
who would be dissenting along with lubrano? save for guido, each ultimately endorsed erickson and tacitly stated that he or she would ratify the consent decree.

Ah, was only half paying attention while fixing the formatting of Lubrano's quote. Thought I heard one more possible dissent. With all the talk about how the NCAA crossed the line, I assumed there was at least 1 more dissent.
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