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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Emmert said he's ''never seen anything as egregious as this in terms of just overall conduct and behavior inside a university.''

gregious [ɪˈgriːdʒəs -dʒɪəs]
1. outstandingly bad; flagrant an egregious lie

If you are wearing a Jerry Sandusky hat (the one with the blue lion on it) and think the PSU football program will not fall you are wrong.

Emmert is too smart to make that statement with that wording unless he knows there will be action. He can't say it that strongly and then say "we looked but everything is Hunky-dory with the NCAA". And it wont be bowl bans or lost ships.

The compounding factor is timing. We are within 6 weeks. That is not enough time for the NCAA to follow their own processes let alone their own rules. Playing football this fall and talking about future sanctions would be a farce.

It needs to be voluntary. Look for PSU to respond to the NCAA's questions, then meet with the NCAA and impose their own death penalty. PSU is not in a position to object to anything the NCAA suggests.

Nobody wants to hear about scheduling issues, revenue streams or student athletes.

Sent from my tablet in a bathroom stall at the Betty Ford Clinic.
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BuckeyeNation27;2179853; said:
And a side note.....if you're a Buckeye fan planning on making that trip to Slappy Valley, don't. Just don't. I was there in 2005 and I'll never go back. Depending on what happens between now and then, this game could be much much worse.

+1. The worst visiting fan experience I've ever had was at the 2005 game. Worse than Michigan. I expected getting harassed by kids. The constant adult harassment surprised me. My PSU friend was embarrassed.
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Oh8ch;2179794; said:
Hi. My name is OH8CH and I am a Penn-State-scandal-aholic.

Not me, Dude. I'm stayin' Enjoyin' my scandal.


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NFBuck;2179874; said:

"Removing the statue isn't going to do a damn thing."

No but it's a start...and you have some wonderful ideas here poster.

"After the statue removed, the blowhards will demand the library is renamed.
After the library is renamed, the blowhards will demand the ice cream flavor is renamed.
After the ice cream is renamed, the blowhards will demand the library be demolished. Its too tainted as it was originally named Paterno.
After that is done, well, I think I remember a sandwich shop in the HUB had a Paterno sandwich. Thats gotta go.
After that is done, I guess its time to start removing any awards that mention Paterno from the Sports Museum.
After that is done, it should be made a punishment to even mention the word "Paterno" on campus.
After that is done, all Paternos should be banned from campus.
Then banned from the town.
Actually, they should all be arrested and thrown in jail.
Paterno should be stricken from the English language."

Amazing how this dudes sarcasm all sound like perfectly acceptable ideas to the outside world.
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The pedtards have learned of the plane with the banner demanding the removal of the statue, and are threatening to use anti aircraft guns. You can't make this shit up if you tried.


Best quote in thread is from a Pitt fan:
I love how they rally against the evil that would do such a thing as spend money on a banner instead of donating that to a charity to help abuse victims......all while defending a man who enabled victims to be abused.

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BuckeyeNation27;2179881; said:
I love how they rally against the evil that would do such a thing as spend money on a banner instead of donating that to a charity to help abuse victims......all while defending a man who enabled victims to be abused.


Yes, this is their new talking point. Every time a poster from another fan base expresses disgust that a pedophile was allowed unchecked access to the football facilities for 13 years, and the PSU fans do not seem bothered by this, and do not seem concerned with anything other than the victims, the ped staters respond by accusing the OP of not doing enough to stop child abuse.
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Rest assured, guys, there were no other coverups. This one only came out because they were reckless in the cover up. But, there was nothing else to cover up because they ran a tight ship.

Nominate | Report Posted: Yesterday 10:30 PM
Re: Emmert on PBS tonight discussing Penn State

You don't know much about Penn State. Welcome to the board. The one thing you need to know is that we are proud of the tight ship that was run here. If there are even minor violations, we would prefer they come to light. I still think the Death Penalty would be a near impossible sell if they found a minor violation to partner with the big one. If they find mutiple players getting paid or other OSU/Miami/USC type violations, then ill take the death penalty because we aren't who we thought we were.

Rest assured, there are no other coverups. This one was created by folly, not intention.

The arrogance in the face of the most horrific scandel in sports history is almost too much. Fucking subhuman, mutant, pigs.
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NFBuck;2179891; said:
Rest assured, guys, there were no other coverups. This one only came out because they were reckless in the cover up. But, there was nothing else to cover up because they ran a tight ship.

The one thing you need to know is that we are proud of the tight ship that was run here. If there are even minor violations, we would prefer they come to light. I still think the Death Penalty would be a near impossible sell if they found a minor violation to partner with the big one. If they find mutiple players getting paid or other OSU/Miami/USC type violations, then ill take the death penalty because we aren't who we thought we were.

Rest assured, there are no other coverups. This one was created by folly, not intention.

The arrogance in the face of the most horrific scandel in sports history is almost too much. [censored]ing subhuman, mutant, pigs.

"Well, yeah, if things rise to the level of OSU/Miami/USC violations, then yes, death penalty. We're just not seeing anything that bad given the FACTS haven't yet come to light"

Holy [Mark May], they're delusional.
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Either PedState is done or the NCAA is. That's where we are at this point...


One of the world?s great engineering schools, Caltech is never going to be mistaken for Penn State as an athletic force. With fewer than 1,000 undergraduates, it is a Division III school, which means, among other things, that it doesn?t grant athletic scholarships. Its basketball team ekes out about five wins a season, and its baseball team, according to The Times, has lost 227 games in a row. At Caltech, unlike your typical athletic powerhouse, ?student-athletes? truly are students.

Part of being a student at Caltech means ?shopping? for courses for the first three weeks of each trimester. Students are allowed to sample classes before they have to register for them. ?During those three weeks,? read an N.C.A.A. press release issued on Thursday, ?because they were not actually registered in some or all of the courses they are attending, some students were not enrolled on a full-time basis.? And part-time students, you see, are not allowed to play intercollegiate athletics. Between 2007 and 2010, according to the N.C.A.A., this happened with 30 athletes in 12 sports.

It would be hard to imagine a more frivolous violation of the rules ? or one that could do less harm to the integrity of college sports. What?s more, Caltech turned itself in after a new athletic director realized that the practice of shopping for classes probably violated N.C.A.A. rules. Yet the punishment imposed on the school was severe: three years of probation, a postseason ban in a dozen sports, the erasure of wins and individual records that were gained with ineligible athletes, and more. Indeed, Caltech was cited for ?a lack of institutional control,? which is pretty much the worst thing you can be accused of in N.C.A.A.-speak.
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I'm not so sure that we won't still see even more idiotic stunts like this -- I think it will take until at least the weekend for folks to get bored and turn their attention elsewhere, but I do agree with your theory in general.

It will all blow over by the weekend - then they can get back to football.
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