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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Its a badge of honor to be most hated for on field success... aka Ohio State, and a badge of shame to be the most hated for failure in the showers.... aka Penn State, to bad the cult doesn't understand that...

The problem is that the cult doesn't see it that way. They see Ohio State as a bunch of cheaters. There's a reason they refer to OSU as "O$U". Urban Meyer, in their eyes, is a classless coach. Ohio State is a football factory - nothing more. Ohio State has on-field success, but mostly because of cheating, and that's why people hate Ohio State. Conversely, the reason people jump all over Penn State, in their eyes, is our jealousy toward the way that they did everything right. They were the epitome of "success with honor", with a lot of emphasis on the "honor" part.
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The problem is that the cult doesn't see it that way. They see Ohio State as a bunch of cheaters. There's a reason they refer to OSU as "O$U". Urban Meyer, in their eyes, is a classless coach. Ohio State is a football factory - nothing more. Ohio State has on-field success, but mostly because of cheating, and that's why people hate Ohio State. Conversely, the reason people jump all over Penn State, in their eyes, is our jealousy toward the way that they did everything right. They were the epitome of "success with honor", with a lot of emphasis on the "honor" part.

Much like the zero fucks I gave about understanding the commie world view back in the day, this is one of those rare instances where I am comfortable with a very black/white view of things.

People who worship people who enabled child rape are bad.

There is no need to try and understand them. We should just focus on sterilizing the population if people don't have the stones to speed things up with a little herd culling.
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Incredible stuff from the only place in the world loonier than Happy Valley. Having a look at their twitter timeline is funny and would only be funnier if they didn't have a wacko leader intent on getting nuclear arms and starving his people

North Korea Opens Booth at Penn State Career Fair
Posted on Feb 11, 2015

Every semester Penn State University holds a Career Fair in the Bryce Jordan Center for students interested in internships and/or post-grad employment opportunities. While one should normally expect either local or national businesses to take interest in prospective students, there is the occasional surprise job opportunity outside the country. However, it was doubtful anyone expected North Korea to be among said opportunities.

With its traumatically faltering economy, North Korea decided it would be best to try and recruit American students into traveling to North Korea for employment.

“It would be an honor for your students to come join the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea,” proclaimed representative Hwan Dong Gi. “After all, America is the devil, and our grand leader Kim Jong-un is a god, why would you settle for any less?”

Curious students began asking about the benefits of moving to North Korea from America. Gi quickly responded that North Korea’s malnourishment rates had dropped to 90% since last year, and that they’d be able to listen to a government-controlled radio whenever they pleased.

“Who needs the American devil’s rock and roll music when you can hear about feats of North Korean strength and valor 24/7!? I mean, you literally can’t even turn the damn thing off. You can lower the volume to a certain point, but past that, it’s impossible. Isn’t it wonderful?”

In addition, Gi mentioned that students who sign up for this opportunity will be “humbled” by the regime’s influence, as the students would be forced to go without “television, the internet, and any form of free speech unless it supported the regime” during their stay.

When we asked Gi why King Jong-un was looking for interns to come over to North Korea, he quickly mentioned that, “While the great Kim Jong-un’s power is strong, the government has been left in shambles by the American devils, even if they’ve done absolutely nothing to cause it. So we need as much free labor as we can get.”

At least 1500 students have signed up for North Korean internships as of today, and an influx of even more is expected as the week goes on.

In addition, Gi mentioned that students who sign up for this opportunity will be “humbled” by the regime’s influence, as the students would be forced to go without “television, the internet, and any form of free speech unless it supported the regime” during their stay.

When we asked Gi why King Jong-un was looking for interns to come over to North Korea, he quickly mentioned that, “While the great Kim Jong-un’s power is strong, the government has been left in shambles by the American devils, even if they’ve done absolutely nothing to cause it. So we need as much free labor as we can get.”

Entire article: http://theblacksheeponline.com/penn...hers-match-the-carnegie-liberal-elite-atheist

I wonder how many of the 1500 actually went.

Ped State and North Korea, what a great combination .....8D
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Are they dissing scrapple? They better not be dissing scrapple. This means war.

pretty sure they meant cheese steaks but it could be scrapple

regardless, they are trolling Penn State

I'm going to get a movement started to get a BWI task force headed to North Korea to set the record straight.

I don't think this kind of geopolitical lack of fax or evidents can stand.
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Restoring "Joe's" wins and giving them back their bowl games wasn't enough for them. They still want to see the rest of the teams in the NCAA burn.


Second post (StinkStankStunk):
we should never lose sight of the fact that the responsibility for PSU's sanctions (and the pillorying of the PSU football program) was a 99.9% "inside job".

He insists that the NCAA only did what Penn State's leadership asked them to do: bring the football team to its knees. Why would a school WANT its football team destroyed?
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