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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

They REALLY don't like the cross-dressing swing dancer anymore over there :slappy:


Michael Felli doing some fine work in that thread.

Michael.Felli: "Got news for you, old-timer...

The Penn State you think you know never existed. It's like the Donna Reed show or Father Knows Best. It was all an illusion. And, you (like all of us), bought it hook, line and sinker.

How are YOU and your cohorts gonna change the future? I don't see your 9 newly elected alumni discussing the "meat and potatoes" of the issues that truly affect Penn State.

Bottomline, people like me are the FUTURE. Change can only come through crusades, now. There are NO new worlds to conquer. This is it!.

You (and your friends) are the PAST. A past that never really existed, btw. Yet, you seem hell bent on going back there. Why is that?"
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What happened to Scott Paterno's neck? It appears his chin has ate it.

It is amazing how much weight this guy has put on...

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Michael Felli doing some fine work in that thread.
Michael.Felli: "Got news for you, old-timer...

The Penn State you think you know never existed. It's like the Donna Reed show or Father Knows Best. It was all an illusion. And, you (like all of us), bought it hook, line and sinker.

How are YOU and your cohorts gonna change the future? I don't see your 9 newly elected alumni discussing the "meat and potatoes" of the issues that truly affect Penn State.

Bottomline, people like me are the FUTURE. Change can only come through crusades, now. There are NO new worlds to conquer. This is it!.

You (and your friends) are the PAST. A past that never really existed, btw. Yet, you seem hell bent on going back there. Why is that?"


so the old freaks are the past and this deranged, line dancing male nurse fruitcake is the future

They Are!
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Michael Felli doing some fine work in that thread.

Michael.Felli: "Got news for you, old-timer...

The Penn State you think you know never existed. It's like the Donna Reed show or Father Knows Best. It was all an illusion. And, you (like all of us), bought it hook, line and sinker.

How are YOU and your cohorts gonna change the future? I don't see your 9 newly elected alumni discussing the "meat and potatoes" of the issues that truly affect Penn State.

Bottomline, people like me are the FUTURE. Change can only come through crusades, now. There are NO new worlds to conquer. This is it!.

You (and your friends) are the PAST. A past that never really existed, btw. Yet, you seem hell bent on going back there. Why is that?"

I think we just witnessed a cultist coming back to reality?
Still that signature though...
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So it seems that some dude named Barnes from Penn State has declared for the draft. They heard some rumor (I don't know the validity of it) that Larry Johnson Sr, ex-assistant for Penn State, current assistant at Ohio State, convinced him to leave early. Bark bark bark.

So blarg blarg blarg later, and some guy decides to post someone else's response in a new thread:


It's not like jerk #1 made a thread, and jerk #2 decided to make a new thread that just happened to be the same thing. Jerk #2 knew about the first thread, and chose to make a second thread about it.

By the way, I'm guessing it's a big grumpus about nothing:

This rule applies to the transferring of an athlete from one school to another. It is not applicable to LJ speaking with Barnes about leaving for NFL.
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Ahhh, David M. He was the main organizer (well, after tugspeedwell) of the historic Rally 4 Resignations. This guy is so fucking stupid that he was still insisting the rally wasn't about Paterno even after every second person in the crowd had either a Paterno-themed sign or t-shirt on, every speaker except him talked extensively about the injustice done to JoePed, Franco brought his cardboard cutout and Crazy Joe Lubrano dressed up as JoePed in tribute. Nope. Not about JoePed at all.

This guy is a special kind of stupid, the kind that can't be taught but must be bred.
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The Cult is now pissed because a PSU alum wrote a letter to the alumni magazine deploring the alumni talk of naming the stadium after Paterno. Wait...this was an alum saying that the unthinkable occurred under Paterno's watch? I thought only Pitt fans or Ohio St. fans or other jealous observers would say such a thing?

"This talk of renaming our stadium after Paterno is symptomatic of our problem as a university. Here is a football coach - a football coach! - who became bigger than the school as a whole and under whose watch the unthinkable occurred. Please, please, please my fellow alums: Let us move on from this. We are a laughingstock." Dan Deichert '81 Eng Dallas


Of course, the Cult could not care less about being a national "laughingstock" -- 409 forever. This is one of the best BWI threads I have read in a while. By the end of the thread, the Cult goes full-blown Law & Order in investigating a letter writer named William Earley and past letters he had written. The Cult ties Earley to working at Merck (home of BoT member Ken Frazier), being friends with disgraced Philadelphia Daily News columnist Bill Conlin and wonders if Earley has connections to the Second Mile or notorious Philadelphia pedophile Ed Savitz.

That thread is a Cult classic.
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