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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

How is it possible that Dave Witovet has not become certified as a womens' volleyball or wrestling ref to shaft the Pedsters through crooked calls?

Of course, if it wasn't for Joesus' selflessness by coaching decade after decade for far under market value salary, none of those PSU programs would even exist.
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How is it possible that Dave Witovet has not become certified as a womens' volleyball or wrestling ref to shaft the Pedsters through crooked calls?

Of course, if it wasn't for Joesus' selflessness by coaching decade after decade for far under market value salary, none of those PSU programs would even exist.
Was it Joesus' selflessness or just the way things were done for years? Memory serves me correct, Woody was one of the most underpaid coaches for many years. Seems to me that there was a gradual self-realization that Hey, we're putting 80,000-90,000 butts in the seats, where's all that money going? Best snapshot parallel I can site is U of Miami. Small private school with decent academis stumbling along until schnellenberger went into the hood and recruited bunches of tough guys into his program. New big buildings all over campus! I'm sure it didn't happen because of that tool of a president they had. Tad, good nick name at Harvard. Not so much around guys from inner city Miami that he clearly couldn't stand having around...
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Was it Joesus' selflessness or just the way things were done for years? Memory serves me correct, Woody was one of the most underpaid coaches for many years. Seems to me that there was a gradual self-realization that Hey, we're putting 80,000-90,000 butts in the seats, where's all that money going? Best snapshot parallel I can site is U of Miami. Small private school with decent academis stumbling along until schnellenberger went into the hood and recruited bunches of tough guys into his program. New big buildings all over campus! I'm sure it didn't happen because of that tool of a president they had. Tad, good nick name at Harvard. Not so much around guys from inner city Miami that he clearly couldn't stand having around...

First off, Joesus was not selfless about pay. Like everything else in his life it was a myth and a con and part of his carefully constructed and maintained image of being better than everyone else, and he forced Penn State to spend millions of dollars in lawyer fees fighting open records laws to make his salary public. Woody was the real deal though, and when he was fired he was, by far, the lowest paid coach in the Big Ten while his assistants were the highest paid.

Actually, Tad did a lot more to build up Miami as a university than did the football program. There's numerous studies that show no correlation between athletic success and an increased academic profile. Even the so called "Fluite Effect" generally gives a short-term bump in the number of applicants but no actual increase in the quality of those applying. Miami building some new physics building and attracting better faculty and students to fill it had absolutely nothing to do with their football team.
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Post #33901
Barrington, IL
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Illinois Didn't Defeat PSU - PSU Defeated PSU!Reply

Totally a self-inflicted giveaway game.
straight from the book of joesus.
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Scott Paterno doing some fine work on Twitter all night during the Pinstripe Bowl. Success with honor, indeed.

You would think Boston fans were used to losing in Yankee stadium.

Pitt fans are so cute when they act relevant.

Pitt fans trolling is like Notth Korea threatening America.

I LOVE our coach. Culture NCAA? This is our culture. We are success with honor. We Are...


What a bullshit @ncaa call.

Btw, almost all of the PSU merch is sold here. BC stuff still around aplenty.

These refs are so bad I am looking for Witovet.

Jesus Mary and Joseph refs. It's a sin to cheat a team as bad as you are f'ing us right now.

Holy swear jar refs! WTF??? Block in the back obvious to 60k+ missed by 7?

NYC is PSU's town. JVP made it so.

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