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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

I admit that I don't really follow the olympic sports at all, but the Pedsters sure do love to pat themselves on the back about womens' volleyball. That being said, I must ask for a fact-check on a claim being made in that thread. I suspect this is just more of the standard Pedster bull[Mark May], right? Do they really "kick this conference's ass" in everything other than the only two sports anyone cares about?

Per someone on BWI (Gulfcoastlion):

From the premium board... While many may want to measure our success only in Football, we've done very well in the conference by every other measure. See below. This is only measuring national championships. We've also dominated the number of BIG championships in collective mens and women's sports. That would be an interesting number that I don't care to research right now.

BWI Lions Den:
Since we joined the Big 10 I think we have won 27 national championships
Double any other member of the conference. Michigan is 2nd with 13.
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My summary of that thread:
"I'd like to leave the Big Ten, but we won't."
"But it would be awesome if we did, because then we can play teams closer to home, rather than Minnesota and Wisconsin."
"Some ACC teams are just as far away as Wisconsin is."

So... I think they want an all-Pennsylvania (and maybe some surrounding states) conference. Throw in Notre Dame, and they're in the playoffs every year.

Edit: More from that thread...
Think back to 1994, when PSU was the real National Champ but wasn't given the MNC in large part due to voters from the big voting against them.
(Note: it always bothers me when people shorten "Big Ten" to "big." If you're going to shorten it, call it "B1G," like the silly logo has it.)
The response:
Or in no part due to that, since even if every Big Ten voter had voted for them, they still would have decisively lost to Nebraska.
At first I was surprised to see that a Penn State fan would say that and not be publicly executed. Then I noticed the poster's name is "Bucks07".

Edit #2 - Ha! The very next response:
You obviously never watched the '94 team play
Yeah - because THAT makes a difference in how the votes were counted.

Edit #3 - Same thread, page 2:

If they counted up the teams and re-named the league we wouldn't have to worry about being int he B1G anymore. I'm sure that's not going to happen and I wouldn't think we're going anywhere anyway.

So.. is he grumpy that the Big Ten was still the "Big Ten", even after adding the eleventh team? We should change the name to "Big Thirteen" now that we have Nebraska, Maryland, and Rutgers.
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Final Athletic Director Cup Standings

1994: Ped-5; UM-9; OSU-23
1995: UM-7; Ped-8; OSU-16
1996: UM-5; Ped-9; OSU-17
1997: OSU-8; UM-11; Ped-20
1998: UM-5; Ped-15; OSU-23
1999: Ped-3; UM-6; OSU-15
2000: UM-3; Ped-4; OSU-14
2001: UM-4; OSU-6; Ped-10
2002: UM-6; OSU-14; Ped-24
2003: OSU-3; UM-4; Ped-5
2004: UM-2; OSU-4; Ped-13
2005: UM-4; OSU-12; Ped-20
2006: OSU-12; Ped-15; UM-24
2007: UM-4; OSU-14; Ped-21
2008: UM-3; Ped-9; OSU-11
2009: UM-5; OSU-10; Ped-19
2010: OSU-8; Ped-11; UM-25
2011: OSU-2; Ped-13; UM-15
2012: OSU-4; UM-10; Ped-12
2013: UM-4; Ped-6; OSU-16
2014: Ped-5; UM-13; OSU-25

Overall Conference Championships: UM-12; OSU-6; Ped-3
Top 5 Finishes: UM-11 ; OSU-4 ; Ped-4
Top 10 Finishes:UM-16 OSU-8; Ped-8
Average Finish: UM-7.95; Ped-11.76; 12.41

So, its UM that dominates in Olympic Sports. Ohio State and Ped State are almost identical over the 21 years with the exception that we've won the conference title twice as many times. And every one of them would throw what success they do have away in a second to have dominated the conference in football like they all expected would happen.

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Sanderson basically arrived there on his own. Ped completely fell into that hire. He was frustrated with ISU not putting more $$$ into the Cyclone program so he made himself a free agent.
It makes me sick. Wrestling is pretty big in PA for whatever reason.....but these fuckwits act like Penn State has been huge for years. Before Sanderson showed up, Mansfield could beat Penn State.
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It makes me sick. Wrestling is pretty big in PA for whatever reason.....but these fuckwits act like Penn State has been huge for years. Before Sanderson showed up, Mansfield could beat Penn State.
Yeah, they hadn't won an NCAA title in 50+ years before he arrived. That's despite the fact that PA produces far and away more wrestling all American wrestlers than any other sate. It's like being in FL and CA combined for football and not being able to win or recruit.
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