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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

While that may be trolling, even in PA, the PSU sections in stores have become miniscule the past few years. On the other hand, clearance stores are absolutely plastered with signs selling the gear dirt cheap.
I've never paid attention to Ped State gear or the lack thereof. I know it used to be common to see "people" wearing it here in NYC.
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I love their whines that end "...and WE have the culture problem?"

It's kinda like, "Yeah, these burgers are pretty good, but I like farting on other people's birthday cakes." Penn State's pedophile-enabling culture doesn't have anything to do with what Harbaugh ever said about anything. (Unless he talked about Penn State's culture, I guess.)
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I love their whines that end "...and WE have the culture problem?"

It's kinda like, "Yeah, these burgers are pretty good, but I like farting on other people's birthday cakes." Penn State's pedophile-enabling culture doesn't have anything to do with what Harbaugh ever said about anything. (Unless he talked about Penn State's culture, I guess.)
:lol: Where exactly did you draw the inspiration to bring those 2 things together?
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I love their whines that end "...and WE have the culture problem?"

It's kinda like, "Yeah, these burgers are pretty good, but I like farting on other people's birthday cakes." Penn State's pedophile-enabling culture doesn't have anything to do with what Harbaugh ever said about anything. (Unless he talked about Penn State's culture, I guess.)

:lol: Where exactly did you draw the inspiration to bring those 2 things together?

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