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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

What happened to Scott Paterno's neck? It appears his chin has ate it.
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I didn't catch the post game stuff but I read that Franklin went full retard when he tried to speak directly to the cult. Apparently he said something along the lines of "we have a great culture here at Penn State... always have". Maybe he was channeling his inner Scott Pedterno
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I didn't catch the post game stuff but I read that Franklin went full retard when he tried to speak directly to the cult. Apparently he said something along the lines of "we have a great culture here at Penn State... always have". Maybe he was channeling his inner Scott Pedterno

Fortunately, the Cult has you covered. I do not want you to receive a cease and desist letter like Bushwood is lobbying for against ESPN for misquoting Franklin. The quote was "You want to talk about culture? This is culture." Apparently, winning a game means the ass-raping and cover-up never happened.


Sadly, the message was lost by those son of a bitches at ESPN (even though it was actually the AP) changing the word "culture" to "closure." LOL

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So basically... nothing has changed. They still have culture issues where they put winning above rape, children, etc.

You forgot whining about the coverage of the trophy presentation. Which, of course, begs the question--who knew there is (and why the [censored] is there, for that matter) a trophy for the Pinstripe Bowl? Congrats--here's a trophy for beating a 7-6 Boston College team by 1 point in overtime thanks to a missed extra point. :lol:
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