Yeah we had some ridiculous rides while my mom was in school.
I was so embarrassed f the celica after the muffler fell off right as we were pulling out of Johnny Clem elementary with all of my friends behind us. My mom was an asshole. Made me jump out and grab it. Fucker was HOT.I'd always bitch when she took me to school because i was an asshole too. One day, as I begged her to drop me off a block away, something inside her snapped. She didn't stop and let me out. The blacktop at this school was separated from the drop off area by a short, rounded curb. The blacktop also ran right up against the length of the school, which was covered in windows. She hopped the curb, drove halfway down the length of the school and told me to get out.
Then she honked...I should add that the horn was dying, so instead of an actual honk, it came out like the death rattle of a medium sized farm animal...then shr yelled at the top of her lungs "I LOVE YOU BABY! HAVE A GOOD DAY AT SHOOL!!" in a baby talk voice.

3rd day of 7th grade, my Dad's Grenada did the same damn thing with the muffler...I don't think I recovered from that until we moved to Ohio....although I have to say at least Dad gave me some gloves to pick that bastard up with
