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OSU Men's Basketball Recruiting/Projections/General Discussions

pretty sure we'll have enough spots open in '16. ADV's scholly, any early entries, any transfers...i mean, i'd be shocked if we didn't have at least 3 scholarships spots open before the early signing period for the '16 class. shocked. either some of our talent is gonna leave for the pros early or some of the talent behind them is gonna go looking elsewhere for PT.
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The new ESPN 100 for 2014 has been released


D'Angelo Russell, 5 star, 12th overall, #1 SG
Keita Bates-Diop, 5 star, 22nd overall, #6 SF
Jae'Sean Tate, 4 star, 25th overall, #7 SF
Dave Bell, 3 star, unranked, #22 C

Other notables:
Myles Turner, 5 star, 2nd nationally, #2 C
Goodluck Okonoboh, 5 star, 21st nationally, #4 C
Elbert Robinson, 4 star, 54th nationally, #5 C
Payton Dastrup, 4 star, 98th nationally, #12 C
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Matta should just quit recruiting the 2014 class and focus on 2015 now. If he can get a grad transfer big man to add to the team for next season, then that's fine but otherwise don't add another C just to add another C. Go after Zimmerman hard, because there's not another top program out there with a clearer opening for a starter at the C position, and he wouldn't have to wait until the spring of his Senior year to figure that out. Very easy for 2015 top C recruits to see what they're looking for at OSU.

Matta will need to get a stud C recruit in 2015 to keep the 2015-16 team from being victimized by poor post play. I don't doubt he can, I just hope he doesn't give up swinging for the fences now that he has immediate PT to sell to C recruits.
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A little recruiting info from Eleven Warriors. Looks like Turner and Dastrup are visiting today.

Matta doesn't get enough props. We've moved to the stage that we are, at least, on top prospects close radar from all over the country. I expect a very, very deep run next year that will only add gas to the fire. :io:
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Since I casually follow bball recruiting, is this wishlist realistic (and please excuse me in advance if I am off on the official positions)? I also don't know if 5 is the number. I get the vibe that Kennard is a long shot, which would be a bummer for a big in-state kid. If we could pull it off, perhaps the best basketball recruiting class we've had. Add a class even similar to this to Bates-Diop, Russell, Tate, and Bell...look out:

C Doral Moore
PF Mickey Mitchell
SF Carlton Bragg
SG Luke Kennard
PG A.J. Harris
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Since I casually follow bball recruiting, is this wishlist realistic (and please excuse me in advance if I am off on the official positions)? I also don't know if 5 is the number. I get the vibe that Kennard is a long shot, which would be a bummer for a big in-state kid. If we could pull it off, perhaps the best basketball recruiting class we've had. Add a class even similar to this to Bates-Diop, Russell, Tate, and Bell...look out:

C Doral Moore
PF Mickey Mitchell
SF Carlton Bragg
SG Luke Kennard
PG A.J. Harris

I think that is realistic for OSU to potentially get that class. However, I would not slot Bragg at SF. He is a great fit at the 4 for OSU, not sure he makes much sense anywhere else although he may play the 5 occasionally in college. Mitchell, I think he is still TBD to some extent position-wise. He is like Bragg another guy who seems to make the most sense at the 4, however Mitchell might be growing into more of a 4/5 combo or a 5 as he was reported to be 6'8" 240# last fall.
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I've always thought Mitchell projected as a point forward ala Lamar Odom with his handle and vision, which would fit well alongside a score-first PG like Harris.
i agree and definitely see mitchell as a point forward. i think the possibilities are endless if he can adequately guard a true 4 if not an undersized 5. at the very least, he should be able to defend a true power forward.

imagine facing a team whose secondary ballhandler is a post defender.
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I think that is realistic for OSU to potentially get that class. However, I would not slot Bragg at SF. He is a great fit at the 4 for OSU, not sure he makes much sense anywhere else although he may play the 5 occasionally in college. Mitchell, I think he is still TBD to some extent position-wise. He is like Bragg another guy who seems to make the most sense at the 4, however Mitchell might be growing into more of a 4/5 combo or a 5 as he was reported to be 6'8" 240# last fall.

Good stuff. I really want Bragg and Kennard, but I hope we at least get one of them.
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