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OSU Men's Basketball Recruiting/Projections/General Discussions

James Blackmon Jr. (formerly at Ft. Wayne Bishop Leurs, now Marion HS) re-opened his recruitment after decommitting from IU today. Could still end up there but an interesting move. Had been committed since before he was a freshman in HS.

Super super talented scoring point guard. Absolutely love this kid's game at PG. Fearless playmaker. Averaged 33 ppg as a Jr.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RigyXYjXH0Y"]Ohio's Finest come to Columbus for Coach Vic's Open Gym - JaeSean Tate, AJ Harris, Manny Powell - YouTube[/ame]
The top players in attendance last week were JaeSean Tate, AJ Harris, Javon Bess, Dave Bell, Manny Powell, Seth Towns, Derek Funderburk, Marsalis Hamilton, Kipper Nichols, Esa Ahmad, Derrick Daniels, Tre Cobbs, Akil Cornish, Jaquan Harrison, Xavier Simpson, DJ Tyree, and Doug Taylor.
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LitlBuck;2365378; said:
the state of Ohio is simply loaded over the next few years. I guess the big question is who do we chase the most excluding Bragg, King, Kennard.
in somewhat of an expected order of importance:

esa ahmad (especially if there is an expectation of further growth; love his set of skills and especially his motor)
(willie) jackson (anyone seen him play in person?)
towns (good shooter; is there more to him, though?)
spellman (lots of potential here; needs to keep body "in check")
fowler (could get some "run" if his body develops; matta doesn't exactly chase immobile centers, though)

i think king, funderburk, and daniels are near shoe-ins for high interest. i also think interest in spellman could take off. not sure about the rest right now.

my list is likely incomplete. just going off the top of my head.
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OSU_Buckguy;2365396; said:
in somewhat of an expected order of importance:

esa ahmad (especially if there is an expectation of further growth; love his set of skills and especially his motor)
(willie) jackson (anyone seen him play in person?)
towns (good shooter; is there more to him, though?)
spellman (lots of potential here; needs to keep body "in check")
fowler (could get some "run" if his body develops; matta doesn't exactly chase immobile centers, though)

i think king, funderburk, and daniels are near shoe-ins for high interest. i also think interest in spellman could take off. not sure about the rest right now.

my list is likely incomplete. just going off the top of my head.

Completely agree on Spellman, if he can stay at a healthy weight I really like what he can do. He and Ahmad had a great battle in the tournament last year and they have 2 more years of that as Ahmad will be a jr this year and Spellman just a soph.
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What about Tervell Beck? He still seems like a mystery, but some of the posters on here seemed to think his highlight video was up there with VJ King's.
Well, the 2016 class is probably going to be a small one for OSU because they're trying to load up in 2014 and 2015. Right now they only project to have one scholarship opening for that year - and if it's between Beck and King, King's the more well-regarded prospect. Even if they had a second scholarship open that year, I'd think Funderburk, Jr. is clearly ahead of Beck on the list of priority recruits because Funderburk is a frontcourt player and Beck projects to be a wing. I think no doubt Funderburk is at more of a position of need in that class for OSU, and while they may be similarly rated by the analysts I suspect Funderburk will be a bit higher. So probably not enough room for Beck.

Matta has created a "good" problem where he won't have many scholarships open for what's supposed to be a strong crop of Ohio preps in 2016 because he's recruited too well in the prior classes to leave spots open.
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in somewhat of an expected order of importance:

esa ahmad (especially if there is an expectation of further growth; love his set of skills and especially his motor)
(willie) jackson (anyone seen him play in person?)
towns (good shooter; is there more to him, though?)
spellman (lots of potential here; needs to keep body "in check")
fowler (could get some "run" if his body develops; matta doesn't exactly chase immobile centers, though)

i think king, funderburk, and daniels are near shoe-ins for high interest. i also think interest in spellman could take off. not sure about the rest right now.

my list is likely incomplete. just going off the top of my head.
I do not see Daniels listed in the recruiting thread. I do not know much about him so if you have some time could you point me in the right direction. I do not have any premium access.
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