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OSU Men's Basketball Recruiting/Projections/General Discussions

OhioState001;2304468; said:
We just got a committment from Dave Bell out of Garfield Heights. Apparently another 6'7 player which I find a little weird. Not sure if we are going to have room for some of Okafor's teammates.

is anyone counting Ross as a player that might not be here next year? he is one player that i could see leaving especially if he continues to do well offensively...i think it would be a dumb idea but considering he has always aid he would be a one and done, it makes sense
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MaxBuck;2304474; said:
Recruiting has fallen into a bit of a slump for Coach Matta recently. The game against the Whosyers revealed what team is currently atop the B1G when it comes to young talent; Buckeyes are no better than third and possibly as low as 5th, with little hope of moving upward in 2013 or 2014.

Don't tell that to the four 4-stars coming in those classes so far. :roll1:
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is anyone counting Ross as a player that might not be here next year? he is one player that i could see leaving especially if he continues to do well offensively...i think it would be a dumb idea but considering he has always aid he would be a one and done, it makes sense
I would think that Ross would stay for at least another year unless he wants to play somewhere in Europe because he is in no way NBA ready and next year it might assume Thomas' role. The same might be said for Thomas. Thomas just slid into the first round mocks last week and if he is not guaranteed to go in the first round I think it would be foolish of him to leave but he is a father and has had a hard life growing up so money might enter into the picture even more.
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LitlBuck;2304752; said:
I would think that Ross would stay for at least another year unless he wants to play somewhere in Europe because he is in no way NBA ready and next year it might assume Thomas' role. The same might be said for Thomas. Thomas just slid into the first round mocks last week and if he is not guaranteed to go in the first round I think it would be foolish of him to leave but he is a father and has had a hard life growing up so money might enter into the picture even more.
The thing about Thomas is that is there really anything more he can do in college to improve his status? Unless he magically becomes more athletic I just don't see it. Absolute worst case for Thomas is playing Europe and they still make pretty good money there. Just my opinion but I really don't see a way in which he comes back.

Ross needs to come back for sure.
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BuckTwenty;2336031; said:
Though the odds aren't good for us getting Jalil and Tyus, they could have the same type of mark personally and for this program that Oden and Conley did if they came here. Those two were high lottery picks and led us to the NCAA Championship game.

SR: PG Shannon Scott, SF Sam Thompson, SF LaQuinton Ross (if he stays), C Amir Williams
JR: SG Amedo Della Valle
SO: SG Kam Williams, PF Marc Loving
FR: SF Jae'sean Tate, PF Keita Bates-Diop, C Dave Bell, PG Tyus Jones, C Jalil Okafor

(Plus 1 more scholarship to give on top of this... or 2 if Q leaves early)

On paper, that's one heck of a team... and a haul of a recruiting class we haven't seen since maybe the Thad 5. Super athletic team, good shooters, nice defensively if the young guys can try to match the intensity of what Shannon and Sam do out there.

Just hoping and crossing my fingers we get as much consideration for those two as the traditional blue bloods.
certainly not a moderator but let us try and keep this type of discussion in this thread rather than in the individual's recruits thread? Thanks!
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So with Russell, Tate, KBD, and Bell now in the fold so to speak, is it Okafor or no one else in the 2014 class? Or does Matta have to add another big man regardless of whether Okafor jumps aboard?

I would prefer if OSU added another big man regardless of whether or not it is Okafor, provided it's someone who can be ready to contribute by their sophomore year (which pretty much any 4* player should be able to do) - that I think would be best for continuity and depth purposes. But you could make a good argument for waiting to add another more high profile big in 2015 if Okafor opts for elsewhere.
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So with Russell, Tate, KBD, and Bell now in the fold so to speak, is it Okafor or no one else in the 2014 class? Or does Matta have to add another big man regardless of whether Okafor jumps aboard?

I would prefer if OSU added another big man regardless of whether or not it is Okafor, provided it's someone who can be ready to contribute by their sophomore year (which pretty much any 4* player should be able to do) - that I think would be best for continuity and depth purposes. But you could make a good argument for waiting to add another more high profile big in 2015 if Okafor opts for elsewhere.
My feeling is that if we miss on Okafor that we should bank the scholarship for 15 because there are some really decent players that we have a shot on for that class. We really do not know how good Bell is going to be and you never know what Thad is going to pull out of tis recruiting hat
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