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Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

if its just a sign like the statues then that's cool, but I'd worry some idiot would do something stupid, but it wont be easy.
Back in the day it use to be open and anyone could go and touch it, I did numerous times, now the stadium is locked up and Howard's rock is under Plexiglas (i can only assume). Lets not forget someone broke off a chunk of it earlier this year....

Precisely. However touching the rock might go overboard and cause overboard reactions. That was my only concern. I didn't know about the latter part though.
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I think we're winning even after that retaliation.
Their namesake's rather large statue (you'd have to climb up there) in broad daylight in the middle of campus .... or a random statue by the side of the road at night, probably after hours with not much around.
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What's up Buckeyes? First off, I would like to say that the overwhelming majority of the Tiger faithful are very estatic to be playing a team like Ohio State in our bowl game. After our two losses, this season sorta leaves a bad taste in many-a-Tiger fan's mouth. Playing a one-loss team in a BCS game feels like a reward after we failed on two of our major goals.

As far as the game, I am absolutely terrified of your running attack. Miller and Hyde will be a handful, and if we don't produce some 3 and out's, it may be a long day for our offense. That being said, I like the matchup with Tajh and Sammy and our WRs against your secondary.

Like most on this thread, I think it could be a high scoring game, but our defense has to make some stops. Looking forward to a great game. Safe travels to all that are going!
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Flipper put his UNDEFEATED record on the line today, selecting @ClemsonTigers as the winner! @MiamiSeaquarium pic.twitter.com/j5v1TeHI1D


We're Pumpkined.
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