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Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

After missing out on a chance to play in The Natty I am just as disappointed as the rest of Buckeye Nation. The silver lining is the chance to go out and give the seniors a BCS bowl win, keep the all time BCS wins record and curb stomp a qb who decided not to come to OSU. After living in Aiken SC for a year and hearing about Vlemson and the Cocks all year and how much they bashed the B10 I will be taking my talents to Miami on the 3rd and am gonna thoroughly enjoy an ass beating of Tahj and company!! Might even get to hang with Shelley Meyer for a bit to pregame if things go well. Can't wait!!
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One of the first things Meyer said when he got here is he wants an angry football team. After his 1st loss, I'm guessing he gets that. Not sure if that's enough to overcome the pass D issues but he's more than proven he knows how to prepare for bowl games. Each day that goes by I get more pumped for this game. Finally back to the BCS and a bowl we have yet to play in is exciting.
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One of the first things Meyer said when he got here is he wants an angry football team. After his 1st loss, I'm guessing he gets that. Not sure if that's enough to overcome the pass D issues but he's more than proven he knows how to prepare for bowl games. Each day that goes by I get more pumped for this game. Finally back to the BCS and a bowl we have yet to play in is exciting.

Moment of pessimism coming in 3.....2......1..

His bowl prepared team lost to Michigan.
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clemson responds
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Well played, Clemson.

The rock is next....
Hope not. If we go after the rock, they might go after Buckeye Grove

if its just a sign like the statues then that's cool, but I'd worry some idiot would do something stupid, but it wont be easy.
Back in the day it use to be open and anyone could go and touch it, I did numerous times, now the stadium is locked up and Howard's rock is under Plexiglas (i can only assume). Lets not forget someone broke off a chunk of it earlier this year....
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