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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

YES I DID! Beating MICHIGAN is no big deal and Okie State was not very good! YA SEE OKLAHOMA beat them and USC proved how good Oklahoma was.

I see you're back to your old retarded self. If you really think USC was 36 points better than Oklahoma, then you need therapy. Games get out of hand. But, if you insist on playing team comparison shit, how about this: Michigan beats Iowa 30-17 and then Iowa pounds Ohio State 33-7, so Michigan must be a much better team than Ohio State, right? Oops, Ohio State drilled Michigan 37-21. See, that "Team A beat Team B" shit doesn't wash. Hey, even if Oklahoma State is "not very good" in your eyes, at least we beat that "not very good" team in the bowl game, and didn't get our asses beat by another "not very good" team in a bowl (Oregon State). Oh yeah, if "Beating MICHIGAN is no big deal", then why did you lose to five teams that ended up ranked lower than Michigan?
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Ya see that is the difference between me and all of you guys I live in the world of reality while you guys win 1 title in 30 years and all the sudden you think your team will compete every year....

As for beating Michigan, Ty did it 2 of 3 times ! NUFF SAID!!

USC was 36 points better than Oklahoma that night look at the score! And yeah maybe the game did get out of hand but heck even ND gave USC a better game than Oklahima did.
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LOL! For all you guys who's sex parter is your right hand you might want to know that foot rubs with the wife are WELL WORTH IT!:wink2:

Cornerback6 said:
Based on his pure luck at ND? He might be a decent coach, but his 8-0 start in his first year at the p.o.s. dome has NOTHING TO DO with how he will fare at Washington. That's a ludicrous statement.

Pitt plays in the Big Least and enough is said there. They might eek out 5 W's in any decent conference (ACC, Big12, Big10, SEC).
uhh It was a joke about his first year at ND! Calm down son! Besides considering Wash. won 1 game last year.....
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OK here goes my view! By most standards ND's schedule was a top 5,top 10 or so SOS last year. The schedule is the same except for a 9-3 BC team last year to a 6-6 Syracuse team this season.

PITT - same or slighty worse! Good QB
MICH- better
MSU - better
WASH- 1 win last year to at least 5 this year- better
Purdue - 7-5 last year so about the same- cant see Tiller going 6-6
USC- 13- 0 last year hmm same- a ton of talent
BYU - better-same
Tenn- better
Navy- worse
Syracuse-dont know
Stanford- better

Add to all that 2 of the 3 biggies are at home this year seems like a wash to me.......
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Miami (OH) = to BYU at least
Texas Top 10
San Diego State = comparable to Pitt w/some solid players and lacking areas
Iowa Top 10
at Penn State-- improved
Michigan State--solid and dangerous
at Indiana--doormat
at Minnesota--solid and dangerous
Illinois--unknown...Zook is a wildcard, but the first year will be tough
Northwestern--solid, but revenge and at home will be key
at Michigan--Top 10
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Sort of funny OSU plays a top ranked OOC team this year and you all think you play a tough schedule!
No...we have scUM and Iowa to go along with an improved MSU as well as an always-tough-against-tOSU, PSU. Minny will be solid and SDSU and Miami will be ready to play.

Not sure why ND's doormats are considered better quality than tOSU's, but bad teams are bad teams...

You can put a dress on a pig, but its still a pig.
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Sort of funny OSU plays a top ranked OOC team this year and you all think you play a tough schedule!
Funny how you think that crap you just posted means your schedule isnt weak. Like I said, 3 good teams, 1 average team, and cupcakes. Yet it wont stop the domer's from bitching about SoS and academics.....two things that have been proven to be the biggest farces in college football.
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Ya see that is the difference between me and all of you guys I live in the world of reality while you guys win 1 title in 30 years and all the sudden you think your team will compete every year...

No, you live in a world of retardedness. News flash, nimrod...we've contended for the national title 2 of the last 3 years (and won it once) and 4 of the last 9 years, and all the major media sources are picking us again to compete. Notre Dame hasn't even contended for a national title since 1993, and no one is picking Notre Dame to even sniff the title.

As for beating Michigan, Ty did it 2 of 3 times ! NUFF SAID!!

Tressel beat Michigan 3 of 4. More said.

ND gave USC a better game than Oklahima did

Yeah, you lost by 5 fewer points (31 to 36)...whooptie-fucking-doo. The only reason why USC didn't blow you out worse was because of the rain. Don't even think that ND is in the same fucking solar system as Oklahoma. I guess you ADD'd the portion where I clearly explained that you can't compare scores of like opponents.
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HMMM! I can remember a thread during that game where all of you were shocked how ND hung in there for most of the first half.

Tressel 3 of 4 yeah glad you agree with me! DUHHHHH!

And do the math 4 of 9 isn't even 1/2 ! And yes I could see all the optomism if your team was anything other than mediocre last year.

BTW nice one Bubba's bitch!
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