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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

Temple got around $2 million from the bCS last year (assuming the Big East shares like the other conferences do), and I doubt conference dues were anywhere near $2 million.

They didn't go to a BCS bowl. They didn't even go to a bowl, period. I doubt they scrounged up 3 wins. So Notre Dame will get $1mil next year, which is half as good as freakin' temple last year.

I don't see anything outrageous about Notre Dame's cut compared to some other programs.
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Mili - Just because you LIKE getting YOUR ass pounded......

What the heck is a nursery home?

27 YEAH I was active on it as I am on DSL and I was on while I was helping with homework. See the twins went to work with Mom and we were talking about
the experience and putting it in writing. And that was after baseball !! GEEEEZ!

btw I still have my dignity because when it comes to SOS the polls prove me correct and they CAN'T prove me wrong......

No matter who' OPINIONS they throw at me.....
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Mili - Just because you LIKE getting YOUR ass pounded......

What the heck is a nursery home?

27 YEAH I was active on it as I am on DSL and I was on while I was helping with homework. See the twins went to work with Mom and we were talking about
the experience and putting it in writing. And that was after baseball !! GEEEEZ!

btw I still have my dignity because when it comes to SOS the polls prove me correct and they CAN'T prove me wrong......

No matter who' OPINIONS they throw at me.....
More bullshit. You were doing homework, yet you had time to reply to the other ND thread? Why can't you just admit this years schedule is weak? It's not that hard. You can't even stay on topic. Again, I challenge you to discuss THIS YEARS SCHEDULE with me.

bullsfan75 said:
Jesus, you guys are ruthless. You proved your point - let the guy walk away with some dignity.
I would let him walk away if he could stay on point long enough to show that he knows we are all right. I know he knows we are right, he's just afraid to admit it. When you say to him "I dare you to talk about this years ND schedule" and he goes off on some tangent about SoS polls from years ago.....well, he's already lost his dignity at that point.
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Wouldn't ND's schedule be bolstered by their losing ways?

Follow me for a second...

So many teams have counted ND as a win in the past few years, hence boosting their poll ranking, moving towards bowl eligibility, and thereby making ND's schedule appear statistically tougher than it truly is...if anything, playing ND has actually hurt other teams' SoS.

Common logic? Nope.

However, this argument NDC has used for two years has not contained much logic either so turnabout is fair play.

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