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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

Wash.- TW works wonders in his FIRST year.

Based on his pure luck at ND? He might be a decent coach, but his 8-0 start in his first year at the p.o.s. dome has NOTHING TO DO with how he will fare at Washington. That's a ludicrous statement.

Pitt plays in the Big Least and enough is said there. They might eek out 5 W's in any decent conference (ACC, Big12, Big10, SEC).
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
You're looking at Pitt and Washington to boost your SoS?
Sure, that 1-10 Washington team from last year ought to tear it up this year, I mean, NDChief says he'll do wonders in his first year, so he's obviously been in close contact with the old ex-coach. Ty ain't good enough at 6-6 ND, but he'll be the master of 1-10 Washington.
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Just looked at OKIE STATES'S schedule and yeah not real impressed...
Yea, but Oregon State's schedule was awesome.................."you play to win the game", NDChief, if you can remember that phrase you'll be much better off. We pounded a so-so team and you got pounded by a so-so team.
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justanotherbuck said:
I'm guessing his kids are getting sick and tired of trying to teach him fractions.:smash:
Fractions are tough. First, you got a numerator, which means something. Then, you got a dominatrix, who keeps whipping your ass while you're trying to figure out what the hell the numerator is.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
That's something you know nothing about! CREME PUFF!
would that be an orange creamsicle flavored cream puff by chance?

glad you enjoyed the titties texas dude. i have thought about rotating titties for my sig pic from time to time, but i just like these ones so much that i haven't yet.
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