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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

FACT -- Future Softening in ND Schedule?

I'm sure NDChief saw the recent SI article on ND prepping under Charlie for the '05 season.

Of course the ND SoS issue was raised, with a word picture of Davie cringing every time he brought out the future list of opponents. Word was that ND would look to soften the future schedule.

If the NCAA, as expected, passes legislation permitting teams to play 12 regular-season games a year, Notre Dame will adopt a schedule that will include seven home games, three of which will be against lower-tier teams from BCS conferences or mid-major conference teams - not patsies, but schools that Notre Dame will consistently be expected to beat.

There was preceding this of course ND President-elect Jenkins justification for this schedule softening at ND --FWIW:

"Its nice to play a Top 10 team every week," says Jenkins, but it's too much to ask."
Now I personally like the Irish, heck I'll be ponying up to see a game in South Bend this next year. However, Fr. Jenkins is delusional if he thinks that ND has played a top 10 team every week in any of the past few years.

Ah well, regardless of whether NDChief's or Jenkin's' opinions of ND's SOS is close to the truth or not, fact is they are looking to soften it in coming years.
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LOL! Yup and I bet you thought NW and Purdue were cupcakes as well!
If you are saying they are not cupcakes, which I do not think they are, that builds into the tOSU schedule argument...so thank you for the support.

I didn't realize we were discussing losses...again, please think about this angle before we debate. I've already offered to concede the disappointments of last season...but are you willing to concede the last decade?

In all reality...4 losses in Columbus is an abberation and a disappointment. Anymore, 4 losses in South Bend is a reason to celebrate.
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Dame needs to dilute their schedule so they can get to a bowl, any bowl! College football needs Dame to go to a bowl........any bowl! And just for a point of reference......I hate ND and their self righteous fans!
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Chief, do you honestly think that we WON'T be competing for the NC the next 2-3 years? Have you watched our youth? Or are you stuck on NBC watching your mediocre (at best) pirate's Golden Domers? ND is not competitive. They are a middle of the pack team. OSU is competitive. We finish in the top 20 generally and quite often in the top 10. Please don't make me pull out year ending standings. How many times in the last decade have your precious p.o.s. Domers even survived the season to squeeze into a high 20's slot? Your statements are getting more and more ridiculous as you go. Do you EVER look back and read what you say?
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Taosman said:
Dame needs to dilute their schedule so they can get to a bowl, any bowl! College football needs Dame to go to a bowl........any bowl! And just for a point of reference......I hate ND and their self righteous fans!

They have made a few Bowls over the years, they just can't win one.

Fun factoid of the day: Incoming freshman for the 2005 football season were in the first grade the last time ND won a Bowl game. :tongue2:
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HMMM! I can remember a thread during that game where all of you were shocked how ND hung in there for most of the first half.

Even the fastest sportcars take longer to get up to speed in the rain. The weather that day was the only thing that kept it from being an ever bigger blowout.

Tressel 3 of 4 yeah glad you agree with me! DUHHHHH!

Show me where you said anything about Tressel's record against Michigan, moron.

And do the math 4 of 9 isn't even 1/2 ! And yes I could see all the optomism if your team was anything other than mediocre last year.

Oh, so if a team doesn't contend for the national title evey single year, they're mediocre? If so, what does that make a team that hasn't contended for the title, even once, in over a decade? By the way, 8-4 with a bowl win may not be great, but it's hardly "mediocre".
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osugrad21 said:
Wouldn't ND's schedule be bolstered by their losing ways?

Follow me for a second...

So many teams have counted ND as a win in the past few years, hence boosting their poll ranking, moving towards bowl eligibility, and thereby making ND's schedule appear statistically tougher than it truly is...if anything, playing ND has actually hurt other teams' SoS.

Common logic? Nope.

However, this argument NDC has used for two years has not contained much logic either so turnabout is fair play.


I've tried to make the dumb fuck see this logic before, its a waste of time.

He doesn't understand that really bad teams (ND) MAKE their SOS better by losing all the fucking time. Thats why its sooo fucking retarded for him to continue down this road. SOS is a valid stat to help differentiate ELITE teams not mediocre ones.

Also I am not willing to give him last year and say OSU was as bad as ND. No way in fucking hell. 8-4 is better than 6-6 where I come from. Bad year by our standards but about par for the course by theirs.
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LOL! Yup and I bet you thought NW and Purdue were cupcakes as well!
27 you really seem like a good kid but you might want to get a clue...
There you go talking about something other than what is being discussed here. If you have ADD I apologize for even challenging you to something so difficult as looking at a schedule and understanding it is nothing daunting.
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Sort of funny OSU plays a top ranked OOC team this year and you all think you play a tough schedule!

Well, I won't talk about your sex life, but the fact that you're basing all of Ohio State's supposed SOS (or lack thereof) on non-conference opponents as if the Big Ten is the MAC is what's funny. Talking about this year, you couldn't beat Iowa, certainly couldn't beat Ohio State, won't beat Michigan or Purdue, will probably lose to Michigan State, would have a tough time at Penn State with their defense or at Minnesota...which basically looks a lot like 4-4, 3-5 or 2-6 if you played Ohio State's conference schedule. Are you REALLY going to sit there and expect ANYONE to believe that somehow Washington, Stanford, Syracuse, BYU and Navy constitute elite-tough games? Uhhh....right. None of those teams will make a bowl game, in all liklihood. That leaves 6 games against "tough" competition...3 of which are in OUR league. And that's counting Shittsburgh as a tough game, which is a stretch.

Face it...you play USC...congratulations. The rest of your schedule is no tougher than everybody else's.
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Ya see that is the difference between me and all of you guys I live in the world of reality while you guys win 1 title in 30 years and all the sudden you think your team will compete every year....

As for beating Michigan, Ty did it 2 of 3 times ! NUFF SAID!!

USC was 36 points better than Oklahoma that night look at the score! And yeah maybe the game did get out of hand but heck even ND gave USC a better game than Oklahima did.
I'd say Top 5 means you "contend" for a title...how many of those have we had since 1995 there, Chiefer? How about you? By your rationale of reality, Notre Dame fans might as well not even watch any of the games, because you aren't going to contend again...ever.

So Ty beat Michigan twice...what happened to him again?

So by your rationale again, Notre Dame would have beaten Oklahoma last year had they played in Norman, right???
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