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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

LOL! Yup and I bet you thought NW and Purdue were cupcakes as well!
27 you really seem like a good kid but you might want to get a clue...

We lost to two unranked teams, both on the road (one in OT and one very late in the game). You lost to three unranked teams, one of them a blowout loss at your place (and that blowout loss was to that same team--Purdue--we barely lost to at their place). How about those cupcakes, beyatch?
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Wow another tough one to figure out Mili! Why dont you give me a challenge! As for Purdue they were one of the hottest teams in football at the ND played them and the Qb was just on fire. OSU played them when they were struggling and the hot shot QB was hurt. When Orton did come (for what one series?) in he disected your defense. Purdue played 90% of that game with it's backup!

As for the schedule I never said that there were not easy games that ND should have won the last 10 years or that teams like Wash, Stanford are top flight teamsat this time because they are not. Heck ND sucks so neither is ND! All I have said was that year in year out the schedule has been among the toughest! Every team plays some so called easy games as does ND but the diff. is is that ND usually plays more top teams than others. Face it Iowa has rarely been considered among the elite(and I still have my doubts) and adding Texas this year gives OSU 3 tough games for the first time in some time as you all have acknowedged. So yeah you guys can finally brag a little this year . You guys have 3 as does ND.

Like it or not though Pitt went to a better bowl game than ND or OSU last year and Navy had a better record than anyone on either schedule last year except USC. We shall all see what happens this year...
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LION - Do you have a crystal ball? Saying that ND will NEVER contend again is falt out stupid.....

MILI- TW 2-1 and Tressell's record just shows that Michigan the Big 10 Champ and your TOUGHEST GAME every year really is not all that hard to beat. Wow, another tough one to figure out. BTW The weather had ZERO impact on the fact that ND was able to keep the ball away from USC early on.
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Gotta love the blinders you got on for your team NDCheif :). Too bad it's not for the Buckeyes ... or is it?? For as much as your on this site, alot of us think your a closet Buckeye fan anyways. Comon admit Woody's Biography is your bible and Jim Tressel is your idol !!

:oh: OSU(nd)Chief is a Closet OSU Fan .. The truth is out!!! :io:
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The Funniest Thing I've read all day Part II (also involves ND)

Sunday, May 1, 2005
Irish revival might begin in Cincinnati
Wade 1st from area to sign in a while

By Tom Groeschen
Enquirer staff writer

Notre Dame last won a national football championship in 1988. Around that time, the Irish pipeline of Greater Cincinnati prep products started drying up.

While the twin droughts (national titles, Cincinnati players) are just coincidence, local Notre Dame fans are still cheering the news that Withrow's Kallen Wade, a junior defensive end, has committed to the Fighting Irish for 2006.

Wade is the first area player to accept a Notre Dame scholarship in nearly 10 years, a stunning statistic when one considers Cincinnati once regularly helped stock the Irish program.

"I love to see one of our players going back up there," said Bob Crable, the Moeller head coach and former Notre Dame All-America linebacker. "I know Notre Dame wants to make a presence here again."

The Notre Dame media guide lists 76 Greater Cincinnatians who have played at least one second in an Irish varsity game, dating to the program's formation in 1887. Of the 76 locals, 50 played at Notre Dame between the late 1960s and late '80s.

A total of 18 Cincinnati products played on Notre Dame's last three national title teams (1973, '77 and '88<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->. Tight end Frank Jacobs (Newport Central Catholic) and cornerback D'Juan Francisco (Moeller) both played for the '88 Irish. But, since 1990, only five locals have played in a Notre Dame varsity game.

Former St. Xavier linebacker Rocky Boiman, who played for Notre Dame from 1998-2001, was the last local player awarded an Irish scholarship.

Boiman, now in the NFL with the Tennessee Titans, is nearly a decade removed from high school.

The only Cincinnati player on the 2004 Irish roster was junior quarterback Marty Mooney, a walk-on from St. Xavier.

Gerry Faust, the former Moeller (1963-80) and Notre Dame (1981-85) head coach, said he was thrilled to learn Wade had chosen Notre Dame. Faust is retired and living in Akron.

"I've been trying to tell people for years that Notre Dame needed to get back to recruiting the Midwest schools," Faust said. "Notre Dame made its heydays on those kids. Ara Parseghian did it, Dan Devine did it, we did it and Lou Holtz did it."

Back to their roots

And now, new Irish coach Charlie Weis wants to do it with help from his own Cincinnati connection - Rick Minter.

Minter, the former Cincinnati head coach (1994-2003), is back as Notre Dame's defensive coordinator. It's the same job Minter held at Notre Dame under Holtz in 1992-93.

"To rebuild this program in the proper way, we need to have a very strong hold on the Midwest," Minter said, speaking by telephone from his office in South Bend, Ind. "That includes being strong in Ohio, and particularly in Cincinnati where it's such a strong high school town. With my familiarity there, we hope to use that to our advantage."

Jon Dannemiller, a St. Xavier grad who is president of the Notre Dame Club of Greater Cincinnati, said Notre Dame has between 1,500 and 2,000 alumni living in the area. Add to that the countless "subway alumni" who grew up watching Notre Dame football highlights on TV each Sunday morning with Lindsey Nelson and Paul Hornung, and it's no secret that Irish football has always been big in Cincinnati.

"I'm so happy Charlie Weis seems to be recruiting the Midwest again," Dannemiller said.

By land, Notre Dame is about 4½ hours northwest of downtown Cincinnati. When did the relatively short drive suddenly get so long for Notre Dame, and how did Irish football lose its grip in Cincinnati ?

"I can't answer that, because I haven't been here for a while," Minter said. "I do know we want to get that presence back, because it goes all the way back to Ara's days and Gerry Faust's days."

What changed?

Theories abound on why Notre Dame has no longer recruited Cincinnati as hard:

The Cincy "connection" was broken when Faust was forced out in 1985. Faust sent several Moeller players to Parseghian and Devine in the 1960s and '70s, and there were several Faust recruits still playing for the '88 national champions.

The decline in local recruiting actually began under Holtz, who got the occasional plum (Norwood fullback Marc Edwards in the early 1990s) but signed only a handful of Cincinnati players in his 1986-96 tenure.

Holtz's successors, Bob Davie and Tyrone Willingham, also tried to spread their recruiting nets more nationally at "speed" players. To a degree, they got away from Notre Dame's hardnosed Midwest roots. And being several years removed from having Cincinnati players, the Irish were no longer regular visitors to area high schools.

Crable thinks the Irish, trying to compete against their murderous schedules, recently have gone more for the so-called "athletes" than the tough, smashmouth Notre Dame players of the past.

"I think Notre Dame recently has gotten the fast kids, tall kids and kids who could catch the football," Crable said. "Charlie Weis said he's looking for toughness, and I think his predecessors failed to find enough tough kids. I know speed kills, but football is a game of attitude. You've got to have some nastiness."

Crable, who epitomized nastiness as a player, said Notre Dame also has lost some recruiting battles to the Ohio States and Michigans in recent years.

"Kids like winners," Crable said. "Notre Dame hasn't won in a long time."

It's not as if Notre Dame has been ignoring Cincinnati prep football. The Irish last summer were a top contender for St. Xavier senior Robby Schoenhoft, who was ranked among the nation's top dozen prep quarterbacks.

"After I visited there, I was ready to commit," Schoenhoft said of Notre Dame. "I was just dumbfounded. I was in awe of the place and its tradition."

But Schoenhoft hit some snags with Willingham and his staff. Schoenhoft said he couldn't get a straight answer on who else the Irish were recruiting at his position. Finally, he decided to look elsewhere.

"The whole process turned me off," Schoenhoft said. "Nothing against anybody, because I did like it up there."

Schoenhoft signed with Ohio State, after paring his list to OSU, Michigan and Notre Dame.

Other locals of interest

This year, Wade has not been the only local target for Notre Dame.

According to the recruiting Web site NDNation.com, the Irish also have offered a scholarship to Princeton offensive lineman Aaron Brown and have "mutual interest" in Withrow defensive back Robert Williams. St. Xavier linebacker/defensive end Alex Albright visited Notre Dame's spring football game last week with Wade.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->Tom Lemming, the ESPN.com recruiting analyst, said Wade may be the No. 2 overall prospect in Ohio behind Princeton's Brown, with both having the potential to be "Top 100" players when Lemming releases his annual list in June.

Has the Cincinnati pipeline reopened? Time will tell, but city coaches including Withrow's Doc Gamble, St. Xavier's Steve Specht, and Moeller's Crable all say Minter has told them Notre Dame will be back.

"I know they hadn't visited Withrow in some time," Gamble said. "I used to work Rick Minter's camp when I was an assistant at Mount St. Joseph and East Carolina, so we have a connection. I know they're making a point of emphasis to get back to Ohio."

It doesn't just mean to Catholic schools, either. While Notre Dame is famous as a Catholic school, the Irish had no qualms about landing an inner-city player from Withrow.

"I was kind of shocked that Kallen was so excited about Notre Dame, but he loved it," Gamble said.

The 6-foot-5, 220-pound Wade, who had 13 sacks last year, said he was also considering Boston College and Illinois.

"Once I saw Notre Dame ... I don't think anybody could touch them," Wade said.

Wade's road

At Notre Dame, it will help that Wade is a 3.8 student. Notre Dame's rigorous academic standards have been blamed, fairly or not, for the Irish losing recruits in recent years.

Wade said he is not particularly familiar with the Irish tradition. The 11 national titles and Knute Rockne and the Four Horsemen and Touchdown Jesus are just now coming to the Cincinnati kid, who grew up in Phoenix dreaming of being an Olympic sprinter.

"I moved here five or six years ago, but I really don't know much about Notre Dame's past," Wade said. "I just liked the atmosphere when I went up there."

For the record, Wade is Episcopalian. He laughs when asked about the Catholic yarn that says the two biggest jobs in the world are Pope and Notre Dame football coach, not necessarily in that order.

"It doesn't matter to me," Wade said. "We're all Christians anyway."

In South Bend, he'll find everyone on the same page. Irish alums, people he didn't know from Adam, were coming up and welcoming Wade as he walked around Notre Dame Stadium last weekend.

"I know they haven't won for a while," Wade said. "It's my job to help put them back up there."

While I think it's possible for Wade to turn into a very good collegiate football player, I definately don't feel he is a top 100 player in the country and definately not #2 in Ohio and above Chris Wells. Right now he may not be top 10 in Ohio. But Lemming obvious bias towards ND is just that obvious, but this may be a new low for him.
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Lemonhead is already sharpening his pencil for a top five ND recruiting class by sticking the number 2 lead up his number two hole.

Watch the kid decommit and go to Ohio State and get downgraded.

What are his offers?
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OK, chump.. you must follow the steve spurrier school of scoring.. it doesn't matter how you lost, only that you lost.

it doesnt matter how many great teams you LOSE TO, but who you beat. If you finish the season 6-6 you arent a good team, I dont care if all 6 were ranked.. you still lost the games..

ND could lose to the patriots 12 times a year.. they would still suck until they actually WIN..
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Wade's a good get for ND, but as VG said, not the number 2 player in Ohio and may not be in the top 10.

It will be pathetic to watch Lemming crank up the ND hype with a bunch of 'wake up the echoes' bullshit in recruiting. Even worse than watching him do the hype job for his buddy Callahan.

And with these 2 ND threads active, is it too long between spring ball and summer practice or what?
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Wow another tough one to figure out Mili! Why dont you give me a challenge! As for Purdue they were one of the hottest teams in football at the ND played them and the Qb was just on fire. OSU played them when they were struggling and the hot shot QB was hurt. When Orton did come (for what one series?) in he disected your defense. Purdue played 90% of that game with it's backup!

As for the schedule I never said that there were not easy games that ND should have won the last 10 years or that teams like Wash, Stanford are top flight teamsat this time because they are not. Heck ND sucks so neither is ND! All I have said was that year in year out the schedule has been among the toughest! Every team plays some so called easy games as does ND but the diff. is is that ND usually plays more top teams than others. Face it Iowa has rarely been considered among the elite(and I still have my doubts) and adding Texas this year gives OSU 3 tough games for the first time in some time as you all have acknowedged. So yeah you guys can finally brag a little this year . You guys have 3 as does ND.

Like it or not though Pitt went to a better bowl game than ND or OSU last year and Navy had a better record than anyone on either schedule last year except USC. We shall all see what happens this year...
So pretty much you are conceding everybody's point by ignoring the question. Pretty lame that not only do you refuse to talk about it, you wont even admit to dodging the question.
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LION - Do you have a crystal ball? Saying that ND will NEVER contend again is falt out stupid.....

MILI- TW 2-1 and Tressell's record just shows that Michigan the Big 10 Champ and your TOUGHEST GAME every year really is not all that hard to beat. Wow, another tough one to figure out. BTW The weather had ZERO impact on the fact that ND was able to keep the ball away from USC early on.
And what exactly is "falt out stupid"?

Notice I said "By your rationale of reality..." which means I was making a point, not saying they will never contend again, which OBVIOUSLY I can't say. Might want to read the whole thing next time.

So, since you were SO offended by my post, make sure the hampster is in the wheel and running fast enough so you follow along:

You said something to the effect of "Its funny how you (us) win 1 title in 30 years and now you expect to contend (my bold) every year"

I followed that with the point that we've had several top 5s in the past 10 seasons, we just finally broke through and won in 2002. So, we had a reason to HOPE TO and EXPECT TO contend BEFORE we won, though 2002 might not have been the season everyone might have thought ahead of time. So, then, BY YOUR RATIONALE, Notre Dame has not been anywhere remotely close to contending for the last 10 years...so where's the evidence they ever will again? The answer (I thought) is obvious: because when you have an elite program, you go into EVERY season HOPING TO win the title and EXPECTING TO "contend" for it. When you don't, you're disappointed. It doesn't mean you are "not living in reality"...it means you have hope and optimism going into a season. So OF COURSE Notre Dame will eventually be back, and OF COURSE Notre Dame fans still go into EVERY season thinking that "this new recruit, or new coach, or new facility, or new gameplan...whatever...will help us turn it around this year!" because that's what fans of an elite program do. So if Notre Dame fans think that, then us expecting to contend most seasons given our track record of the past 10 years is not at all unrealistic, let alone detached from reality.

Clear now?
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So yeah you guys can finally brag a little this year

Here lies the fundamental difference between fans of a good team and a raving madman who supports a team that has sucked major ass for over a decade now.

We think bragging rights come from winning football games. Your idea of "bragging rights", tough SOS, is what we would call an "excuse".

SOS is only a valid argument when you win more than you lose.
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