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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

Like it or not though Pitt went to a better bowl game than ND or OSU last year and Navy had a better record than anyone on either schedule last year except USC. We shall all see what happens this year...

Ok, so everyone in the entire continent that has lungs and breathes knows that that bowl game was an absolute joke. Pitt's playing in that game was 100% circumstantial and had NOTHING to do with the quality of their team or play. The beauty of the BCS...lol.
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It was a 30 point loss, but the point was that unlike Oklahoma (read the thread before you yack) ND was in it for most of the first half.

USC-38-OK 10

Dude, are you really that stupid, or are you putting on a act? How many times do I have to tell you that the rain slowing down USC is the only thing that kept you in the game that long. Inferring that you stayed with USC because you're a better team than your paltry 6-6 record indicates is ludicrous.
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LION - Do you have a crystal ball? Saying that ND will NEVER contend again is falt out stupid.....

MILI- TW 2-1 and Tressell's record just shows that Michigan the Big 10 Champ and your TOUGHEST GAME every year really is not all that hard to beat. Wow, another tough one to figure out. BTW The weather had ZERO impact on the fact that ND was able to keep the ball away from USC early on.
you're right. Michigan isn't that good. That means ND only has 2 tough games this year. What a tough schedule that is :roll2:
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GAWD!! ND had two drives of 70 yards or more in the first half that kept USC 's offense of the field. You see ND having the ball for that long kept USC's from having the ball and scoring! And you call me stupid!! I said that ND stayed in the game longer than OKL. did and that is a fact! GEEZZZ!
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GAWD!! ND had two drives of 70 yards or more in the first half that kept USC 's offense of the field. You see ND having the ball for that long kept USC's from having the ball and scoring! And you call me stupid!! I said that ND stayed in the game longer than OKL. did and that is a fact! GEEZZZ!

Two drives in the rain. :roll1: You still got blown out by 31 points. ND football is not good.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
you're right. Michigan isn't that good. That means ND only has 2 tough games this year. What a tough schedule that is :roll2:
Saying Michigan is tough gives OSU at least one tough game on it's usual schedule so maybe I will give on that one! BTW nimrod that mean OSU has 2 tough games as well. WOW! THAT WENT RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD DIDNT IT....

AWW poor MILI proved him wrong AGAIN!
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AWW poor MILI proved him wrong AGAIN!

Uh, how did you prove me wrong? You got blown out...period. Did anyone (including me) deny that the game was close initially? No. I said it was close early only because of the inclimate weather, and not because of some valiant effort on the part of mighty Notre Dame. As usual, you're too stupid to grasp simple English or you choose to ignore the true point of the argument.

Anytime you get beat by 31 points in the rain, it shows just how bad you are.
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Saying Michigan is tough gives OSU at least one tough game on it's usual schedule so maybe I will give on that one! BTW nimrod that mean OSU has 2 tough games as well. WOW! THAT WENT RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD DIDNT IT....

AWW poor MILI proved him wrong AGAIN!
Sorry dipshit, but OSU fans don't claim their schedule to be the greatest thing in all of sports. Unlike ND fans, I don't really give two shits about the strength of OSU's schedule.

Hope that didn't go right over your head.
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Since 1990

-Ranked top 25, 9 times
-Top 10, 3 times
- 4-8 in their Bowls (2-4 in top 4 Bowls)
- 0 NC's
- 0 Hiesman

-Ranked Top 25, 10 times
-Top 10, 5 times
- 6-8 in their Bowls (4-1 in top 4 Bowls)
- 1 NC
- 1 Hiesman

So OSU in the past 15 years its FACT that OSU has been ranked more and higher than ND, been to more Bowls, won more bowls, won more eliete Bowls, won more championships, more Hiesman, and prolly more stats if I really felt like digging it all up.

Cant argue facts!
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NO MILI - You kept yacking about the rain so dont even try . And AGAIN what did the rain have to do with ND's ball control keeping USC's offense off the field? I will explain it to you again .... See when ND has the ball for a long drive that means USC does not have the ball and the weather you keep talking about AFFECTED ND AS WELL ! My 7 year old can figure all that out that out! BTW I never said it was not a blow out in the second half did I??

Facts start before the 1990's Ladies ! Keep trying

27 Funny all the posts you made when you dont give a shit! YOU GET THAT ONE? Shall we count them??
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NO MILI - You kept yacking about the rain so dont even try . And AGAIN what did the rain have to do with ND's ball control keeping USC's offense off the field? I will explain it to you again .... See when ND has the ball for a long drive that means USC does not have the ball and the weather you keep talking about AFFECTED ND AS WELL ! My 7 year old can figure all that out that out! BTW I never said it was not a blow out in the second half did I??

Facts start before the 1990's Ladies ! Keep trying

27 Funny all the posts you made when you dont give a shit! YOU GET THAT ONE? Shall we count them??

Swing and a whiff....again. If you could read you would see that I said I don't give a shit about OSU's schedule. We (I, you apparently are incapable) are talking about ND's schedule. The reason we are talking about ND's schedule and not touching OSU's schedule is because ND fans (much like yourself) whine and cry and use the "strong" ND schedule as a crutch, while no OSU fan says "Oh yeah, we'll our SoS ranking was XXX". After taking a look at the pathetic grouping of teams ND calls a schedule I decided to call their biggest SoS sympathizer out........you.

You thought it went over my head when I down graded Michigan, but it didn't. Mainly because I don't give a shit about OSU's SoS. I really couldn't care less. The fact that I am not even talking about it except when YOU bring it up speaks volumes towards that.

Another thing that went right over your head was the sarcasm I used in that post. Clearly I don't think Michigan is an easy game...it is a very difficult game for us. We don't get the luxury of playing them early in the season like you do. Then again, playing Navy, Syracuse, and Stanford is one hell of a brutal finish.
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