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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

27 Because unlike you I have a life! Wife, kids, baseball practice, kids homework, a friend came over tonight and now Mother-n-law occupy a great deal of my time.......

And yes if homework gets done I will review the thread! Unless the wife has some ideas but 27 wouldn't have a clue about that!

Bottom line! ND's schedule is always ranked high and NONE of you can dispute that!
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When are you going to realize that SOS is an argument reserved for good teams when debating who should be #1 or the top 2 BCS teams etc.?

Talking about how strong the SOS was when you have a losing record is like the school wimp ranking all the guys who have kicked his ass over the years.

Its just sad.
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FadeproofBuck said:
We were actually tied with Purdue before Kyle Orton came back into the game, so we didn't lose against their back-up QB, we lost on an 80 yard drive orchestrated my starting QN Kyle Orton late in the 4th quarter to put them up by 7.

And that was on Orton's second drive, and only after Snyder pulled the defense back into soft coverage once we had tied the game late in the fourth.

Jaxbuck said:
When are you going to realize that SOS is an argument reserved for good teams when debating who should be #1 or the top 2 BCS teams etc.?

He never will.
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Hey chief, I've told you before nobody cares about your life and all the people in it. Why don't you tell your wife to take the leash off your neck and respond when you come on another team's forum and start talking shit about a team who is on a three bowl game win streak including two bcs games and a National Championship and Notre Shame hasn't won a bowl game in a decade.
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If the deabte is reserved for good teams then why in the hell are OSU fans invloved?
I don't hear any tOSU fans trumpeting the merits of our SoS as our strong suit...basically we have been discussing a NC run, early recruiting, youthful talent, and an incredible once-per-generation talent.

Do you really want to discuss the "good team" angle?

Really...I'll concede one season. Just so you are equally fair and concede the last decade.
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Not to get off the subject but this is one of the funniest things I've seen all day!A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Michigan fan.
She asks her students to raise their hands if they are
Michigan fans
too. Not really knowing what a
Michigan fan was, but wanting to be
liked by their teacher, their hands fly into the air. There is,
however, one exception. A little girl named Cherie has not gone along
with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be
different. "Because I'm not a
Michigan fan" she reports. "Then," asks
the teacher, "what are you?" "I'm a proud Ohio State Buckeye Fan" the
girl said. The teacher is a little perturbed, her face slightly red. She
asks Cherie why she is an Ohio State Fan. "Well, my Dad and Mom are
Buckeye fans, so I'm a Buckeye fan too," she responds. The teacher is
angry now. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if your Mom was a
moron, and your dad was an idiot. What would you be then?" Cherie smiles
and says, "Then I'd be a
Michigan fan."
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All conference programs have considerable expenses supporting the conference infrastructure. I'm guessing each has personnel and support dedicated to conference matters, a travel budget, personnel budget, the whole 9 yards.

I am unaware that ND shoulders any such debt, in money terms, unless it's for ventilated nose protectors while attending bcs planning sessions.
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27 Because unlike you I have a life! Wife, kids, baseball practice, kids homework, a friend came over tonight and now Mother-n-law occupy a great deal of my time.......

And yes if homework gets done I will review the thread! Unless the wife has some ideas but 27 wouldn't have a clue about that!

Bottom line! ND's schedule is always ranked high and NONE of you can dispute that!
Bullshit. I clicked on your profile and saw what thread you were active in. You were active in it for a few minutes, then checked out the other ND thread, responded, then ran off with your tail between your legs hoping this would all blow over. It's so sad you can't even acknowledge the facts brought right to your face. Instead you try to deflect the attention by throwing out crappy "jokes" like I wouldn't understand what it means to have sex.

Furthermore, your precious SoS rankings are pretty worthless when we are talking about your schedule this year. Let me repeat that so you can get it through the golden paint on your head. WE ARE DISCUSSING NOTRE DAME'S SCHEDULE THIS YEAR. Specifically, we are discussing how god damn weak it is.

I challenge you right now to have a discussion about THIS YEARS ND SCHEDULE without trying to change the subject or bring up some lame "OSU lost to XXX" crap. Talk about THIS YEARS NOTRE DAME SCHEDULE. I dare you.
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