Watson, Crick & A Twist
Take from the top of that all the expenses incurred getting a team + staff + band + assorted others into town / hotels / etc.LloydSev said:Schools in the Big10 get more than $1M a year in conference kickbacks.. way more..
The money is divided equally.. $14 million for a BCS bowl.. plus all the money from the other bowls... $4.5 if a second team goes to a BCS bowl..
The gross you quote is correct, for BCS bowls. The net is substantially less - and of course you have dilution through distribution.
What irks me about the proposed BCs-ND arrangement is that ND will accept a hand-out in years when they cannot even sniff a BCS venue. They still get their healthy income from the NBC TV-deal, and - should they go to a non-BCS bowl in that same year they keep whatever other income that game provides over expenses for that non-BCS bowl game.
Frankly it sounds like some love of money is at play in South Bend, IN. There is a biblical quote concerning that I believe, one with which ND's president may wish to (re)-acquaint his Athletic Dept.