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One Gargantuan ND Outhouse of a Thread (MERGED)

Bucky Katt said:
Actually, from what I heard on the radio earlier, this sounds like it might actually be a worse deal for Notre Dame. If they somehow manage to win a BCS game under this new agreement, they will receive $4.5 million versus under the old agreement, in which they would have received $16 million. This is Notre Dame realizing that they aren't going to be making man BCS games, so they might as well take any money they can get. If I heard correctly, it also makes it more difficult for them to get a BCS nod than it was under the old agreement. (I may have misunderstood this part, so don't take my word for it)

However, the fact that they make ANY special arrangements with ND is still irritating as all hell.
It's true Katt, that stuffs mentioned in the article in post #6 of this thread.
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Schools in the Big10 get more than $1M a year in conference kickbacks.. way more..

The money is divided equally.. $14 million for a BCS bowl.. plus all the money from the other bowls... $4.5 if a second team goes to a BCS bowl..
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I for one never said he would be a Heisman candidate all I said was that he has no reason not to succeed with his whole offense back.

27 No matter what old Collin said the schedule was still one of the toughest in the country. Collin hates ND until he needs to make up to the fan base. Funny you all hate ESPN until they say something bad about ND then they are great.
Add to that whenver 27 brings up ND's schedule he never compares it to BIG10 teams he always brings up the SEC. HMMMM Maybe he is smarter than I thought....
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You are either the dumbest person, or have Alzheimer's.. as just the other day there were people comparing a BigTen schedule to ND's schedule, and you wouldn't respond to whether or not it was equal in strength..

So instead of sitting here bitching about BN27, you should at least respond when someone makes an intelligent post which is directed toward you.
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Schedule or not, Quinn is as much a candidate for the trophy as, well, Brock Berlin was. He gets the hype because he plays a key position at a school that the media loves and people think should be good, just like Berlin (Gino Torretta was the most obvious example of this). Quinn will not be a heisman candidate. Period. He isn't good enough, Notre Dame isn't good enough, and if the schedule is as tough as the Chief wants to say it is, they won't win enough games either.
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LloydSev said:
Schools in the Big10 get more than $1M a year in conference kickbacks.. way more.. The money is divided equally.. $14 million for a BCS bowl.. plus all the money from the other bowls... $4.5 if a second team goes to a BCS bowl..
My point exactly. If Ohio State goes to a BCS bowl and bags $4.5 M, they take out their expenses and share the rest EVENLY with the other teams in the conference. If ND goes to a BCS bowl and bags $4.5 they take out their expenses and share the rest with.... NO ONE. No bones to Navy, Air Force, BC for being on their schedule and helping them make their rep... nope, they keep it all. Why join a conference?

I've heard Bo Schemberger state emphatically that he thinks Michigan is nuts to play ND. "I don't see why any Big 10 team plays them. They need us more thaqn we need them." The implication being that with out name opponents and programs to compete with Notre Dame is left trying to make a name for themselves based on games against the service academies, Pitt and BYU.
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1) In my thread i clearly stated I hate all other ESPiN guys, but Colin is just awesome.
2) Notre Dame's schedule this year has 3 tough games, 1 medium game, and the rest is a cake walk.
3) Regardless of Cowherd's stance on ND, he is right. ND's schedule this year isnt strong.
4) I don't compare ND's schedule to anybody, as I have clearly stated. Cowherd compared it to a random SEC team and a random ACC team. Both schedule's seemed a lot harder to me than your Golden Cake Walk.
5) I haven't made my opinion on other school's schedule's known (except for the above schools). Read that as "I haven't said whether or not I think Ohio State or any other school in the Big 10 has a hard schedule." That's not the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that ND's schedule this year is weak. I don't know why that is so hard to grasp.

Tough Games----------Medium Games-----------------Cake Walk
-Mich @ mich----------MSU (not a bad little offense)---Pitt
-USC @ home-----------------------------------------Washington
-Tenn @ home----------------------------------------Purdue

2 of your 3 games are at home, that takes a little pressure off (but not much).
your last 3 games are Navy, Syracuse, Stanford. You might as well send your scout team to these games, it would make them more interesting.

Crap I dont want to hear from you:

  • Ohio State's schedule isnt any tougher.

    -I'm not talking about Ohio State's schedule, I'm talking about ND. Ohio State fans dont use SoS as an excuse to why their team loses. This whole SoS debate was brought on because people are tired of hearing domers and their "We play a tough schedule" crap.
  • Pitt was in a BCS Bowl Game last year.

    -This is a cop out people use to pretend that Pitt was a good team last year. SOMEBODY had to win the Big East and get the auto bid. The only thing Pitt proved last year was that they didn't suck as bad as the rest of the Big East.
  • Your lame Home & Away excuse.

    -I know how Home & Away works. You play a team at home, then you play them away. You have no control over that. But that doesn't change the fact that of your 3 legit tough games, 2 of them are at home.
So please, if you want to continue discussing the strength of ND's schedule, by all means go right ahead. I just don't want to hear any of your typical ND bullshit. The facts are out there....the schedule is weak.
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Correction, ND is the NATIONS media darling...
I saw a T-shirt in the French Quarter that describes this perfectly. It said, "Jesus loves you" and then below was, "everyone else thinks you're an asshole"

When did Notre Dame go to Ohio State, Columbus, Knoxville, Austin and have the fans behind them? The New York papers love them, the Boston papers love them. The rest of us consider them the final section of the alimentary canal.
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