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OL Bryant Browning (Official Thread)

Cleveland PD



Browning selects OSU

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

For Glenville senior lineman Bryant Browning, the decision was tougher than he anticipated.
What appeared to be a slam dunk to many observers before making his visits, the 6-4, 320-pound Browning verified the prognosticators' gut feeling when he made an oral commitment to Ohio State on Monday.
Besides visiting the Buckeyes, Browning ventured to Michigan State, Northwestern and Tennessee.
Ranked the 23rd-best senior in Ohio High Magazine's preseason edition, Browning was hosted by former Euclid High School standout Brandon Smith when he visited OSU.
Browning is relieved the recruiting process is over.
"Each night, before I went to bed, I thought about one of the colleges and weighed the pros and cons," said Browning, who had a 95 percent blocking efficiency rating with 35 pancake blocks on the offensive side of the ball. "In the end, Ohio State just felt right."
Browning, who will play offensive tackle or guard and major in business management, joins classmate and fellow lineman Robert Rose as part of this season's OSU recruiting class.
Still deciding is teammate Raymond Small, who visited OSU with Browning and Rose.

- Bob Fortuna
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On the Rivals profile, Browning is listed at 339 pounds. Sort of gives new meaning to the phrase "set the Earth reverberating". :biggrin:

Welcome to the Buckeyes, Bryant. Looking forward to many pancakes in your future.
:oh: :osu: :osu: :osu: :io:
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Superb news. The best part of this isn't yet another good O-lineman, it isn't yet another of the Glenville "pipeline" recruits. In my view the best part of all is that Bryant fits the mold of an Offensive Lineman in one clear category, he may probably be one of the smartest kids on the team. A great addition, at a position of need and clearly a great student (classroom) and athlete (35 pancake blocks).

Welcome aboard Bryant - and may you be our first Rhodes Scholar O-lineman.
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Great news...glad to have you as a Buckeye, Bryant.

With regards to the talk about the 5.4 sec 40, I recall signing a "project" (where's the sarcasm button) a couple years ago named Steve Rehring. I think his 40 time was somewhere around 5.4, and I've heard he's actually going to turn out to be pretty good. :wink2:

I say it alot with regards to our new verbals...if our coachin staff wants them, then I want them.

Go BB!

Go Glenville!!

GO BUCKS!!! :osu:
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From today's Dispatch....

Glenville’s Browning commits to Buckeyes

Pipeline factor plays role in his decision

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tim May
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The Glenville pipeline is still flowing Ohio State’s way.

Offensive lineman Bryant Browning became the 16 th member of the OSU 2006 recruiting class last night when he committed to sign a national letter of intent on Feb. 1.

He will become the sixth player from Glenville to join the Buckeyes in the past four years, a group that includes quarterback Troy Smith, receiver Ted Ginn Jr., linebacker Curtis Terry and defensive back Jamario O’Neal along with outgoing safety Donte Whitner.

In other words, the 6-foot-4, 320-pound Browning said, he won’t be walking into a room full of strangers.

"That played a little bit of a role in my decision, knowing that there will be some people there I know personally, guys who I know have achieved in that program and have been treated fairly," Browning said.

He picked OSU over Tennessee, Northwestern and Michigan State. He became only the second lineman in the 2006 OSU class, joining blue-chipper Connor Smith of Colerain, Ohio.

"The coaches let me know they only go for specific kinds of guys (with good movement) for the line and that they don’t just sign guys for the numbers," Browning said. "They want guys who can help them."
The Buckeyes are still after another Glenville player, receiver Ray Small, who won’t reveal his choice between OSU and Southern California until signing day.
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