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OL Bryant Browning (Official Thread)

Great! I'm not worried about that 40 time. If he can run three yards and be at full speed with a piece of scum attached to his jersey, and then firmly plant him in the ground thats all I care about!!

Welcome aboard young Buck!
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The 40 has got to be the most meaningless test for an offensive lineman. Just as long as he's explosive out of his stance then he'll be fine. Plus, he'll probably get it lowered quite a bit once he starts working out at OSU.

It's not a totally meaningless as OL will be required to run down field occasionally and to pull across the line, but it is indeed overrated. I remember shaking my head while watching Ivan Douglas plod down the field two-three years ago...
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It's not a totally meaningless as OL will be required to run down field occasionally and to pull across the line, but it is indeed overrated. I remember shaking my head while watching Ivan Douglas plod down the field two-three years ago...

By the time they get 40 yards downfield the runningback or wide reciever should be well past them. A 10 yard dash is a better test to look at for an o-lineman than the 40.
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just thought.....is it possible bryant was given an ultimatum to declare soon with all the scholarships filling up fast.........i thought it was said he would declare on NLOID with Small.......anyways happy we got another o-lineman, these guys win and lose games
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By the time they get 40 yards downfield the runningback or wide reciever should be well past them. A 10 yard dash is a better test to look at for an o-lineman than the 40.

There have been several instances this season where an OL was 15-20 yards downfield to make a block ahead of the runner (Datish in the Northwestern game is an example). No one is saying that an OL needs to be able to run a 40-yard dash on every play, but rather an OL will often need the ability to "dash" downfield to make a block.
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Of course footspeed isn't meaningless for offensive linemen. I remember several years back when this team couldn't even think about running counters or traps because of the inability of any of the linemen to pull. From the outset, Tressel has been bringing in a different type of offensive lineman from what we saw under John Cooper. The very fact that Browning even has an offer illustrates to me that he has the tools to be successful as a Buckeye. What I was getting at (and most everyone else, I think) is that saying that Browning wouldn't be that big off a loss had they not got his commitment because he runs a 5.4. That idea is just stupid. This guy is gonna be absolutely crushing girlie-men in winged helmets before too long, and I'm glad he's on our side.

By the way - not every play is designed for downfield blocking by the linemen. ANY DAY - I will take a lineman who is blocking downfield because he already finished his block at the line of scrimmage over having to use pulling and misdirection to get blockers in the second level.
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