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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation

has anyone posted how some poster on texags.com broke this story in late january, he gave specifics such as the players getting paid and not working and he specified bomar


I haven't seen that mentioned before. Some guy posted on January 30th on the Aggie board that his girlfriend worked in a car dealership and that Bomar was getting huge checks without showing up at work - and got reamed by Aggie fans.

I would imagine the NCAA would want to talk to that young woman.
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Of all the cases where schools got in trouble for this stuff (including here at OSU) I am not aware of a single instance where a member instutiion self reported something that they found via their own due dilligence. The first shoe has always been dropped (generally via the press) by a disgruntled adjunct, somebody's girl friend, a stripper, a stiffed landlord, etc, etc.

Given that this stuff goes on everywhere (and it is a given) evidence suggests schools are doing little or nothing to monitor and control until somebody else does the monitoring for them and it is CYA time.

I want to take a road trip to AA, take down all the license numbers in the parking lot outside the practice facility and run down the owners. Then track down how the car was paid for and by whom. They haven't been in the press for a while.
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You didn't bother to click on the link, did you.

yes I did it was hillarious. anyone who didnt really missed out. i saved it to favorites and emailed it to all my friends.

:oh: :io:

quote" so lets see if i get this right. Stoops got his player a job at a job that he didnt check out, that apparently is owned by a Nebraska booster who would do anything to destroy the sooners HMMMMMM" unquote.
This was a tongue in cheek humor line done after reading the posts and that site. I guess you didnt get it

This was a continuation of that humor you missed that too

:oh: :io:

"thE "UNBIASED" MEDIA BETTER GO AFTER THIS AS MUCH AS..." this was a statement meant to make note of the lack of calls for stoops private parts and some wondering if ESPN would do their meanie thing again<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Stoops won't be fired after this mess but, he might be in a few years when he can't recruit like he use to.

This will cause a lot of damage to Oklahoma when they are going after the top recruits with competition from other colleges with a clean image
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all programs had big problems but, this makes it worse when the coach gets the jobs for his players at that place then has to get rid of them to protect oklahoma's and his own image.

I hope most parents of recruits are better then Morris(daddy) nebraska qb's (mother) to help there kids
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I don't know about Stoops responsibility in all of this, but this is something that the Oklahoma compliance folks should have been on top of. I agree with others posts previously: when someone is employing 20 players, you make very sure that everything complies.
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What's annoying is that Screamin' A Stiff still managed to use the OU scandal to spend several minutes ripping Ohio State this morning on whatever show it is where he rants along with a few other sportswriters, mostly fat old East Coast guys.
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What's annoying is that Screamin' A Stiff still managed to use the OU scandal to spend several minutes ripping Ohio State this morning on whatever show it is where he rants along with a few other sportswriters, mostly fat old East Coast guys.
IIRC, Screamin' A. was the one who broke the Linda McGill 'scandle.' tOSU is his personal axe to grind, and has been since early '03...

i'd like to push that motherf---r down a flight of stairs...
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IIRC, Screamin' A. was the one who broke the Linda McGill 'scandle.' tOSU is his personal axe to grind, and has been since early '03...

i'd like to push that motherf---r down a flight of stairs...

Actually, that was Mike Freeman (who since "left" the NY Times for the Indy Star, likely after being nailed by a NT Times internal "Blair check" [why else leave the NY Times for the Indy Star?] then immediately got fired by the Indy Star for resume fraud), but putting on MY tinfoil hat I could see Smith being a buddy of Freeman's and drinking the Kool-aid he dished out as an East Coast African-American sportswriter "keepin' it real" solidarity kind of thing.
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