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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Root for the Buckeyes and against PSU tomorrow, duh. But for your rooting interests here is how a poster on PSU rivals board thinks things will/need to break:


Time for some math.

Ohio St 117
Penn St 98.5

1st place: 16 points
2nd place: 12 points
3rd place: 10 points
4th place: 9 points
5th place: 7 points
6th place: 6 points
7th place: 4 points
8th place: 3 points

Consolation bracket advancement: 1/2 point.

Let's look at OSU early session.

Buckeyes have two 7th place matches, 125 Rodriguez vs Purdue Thorton and 165 Burcher vs NW Sebastian. Let's say Onio St splits. 1 point earned.

Pletcher will beat Diehl, but most likely lose vs the McCrystal / Thorn winner. 3.5 points earned. (6th to 4th)

Ohio St probably heads into the finals at 121.5


Jimmy has Cole Martin for 7th. Jimmy already majored Martin 15-3. I'll call Jimmy winning, and a MD is possible. 1 point earned.

Joseph faces Wanzek, already beating him 7-4. To be conservative, let's say Joseph loses a close one to Issac Jordan, although I like VJ to win. 3.5 points earned.

Bo will go on a tear to take 3rd. He will major Emery or worse, and beat the winner of Dudley v Jackson. 4 pts + 0.5 + 1 bonus = 5.5 points earned. Bo could also pin as we know.

McCutcheon will beat Robertson and most likely lose to Studebaker. 3.5 points earned.

Nevills will take a similar path as Bo. He will bonus R. Gross and defeat Jenson. Keep in mind Nevills pinned Jenson in the dual. Let's call 5.5 points for Nevills, but it could be slightly more with a pin.

That gets PSU to 98.5 + 19 = 117.5 heading into finals, with the deficit about 4 pts (121.5 v 117.5)

Things don't always go as scripted, but this should be close.

My theoretical 4 point deficit could be even smaller if we get a major from Jimmy or a pin somewhere from Nickal & Nevills.

Now assume Tomasello and Snyder win their finals, but the Buckeyes don't have any locks vs Sammy Brooks & Brett Pfarr. And the way NaTo has not dominated, I think Clark has a 40/60 shot vs NaTo.

Zain & Nolf will both take care of business and earn at least 1 bonus point in the process. Hopefully 2 or 2.5 bonus between the two.

The tournament team championship could very well come down to Bo Jordan v Mark Hall.

I like our chances tomorrow. A lot has to break right, but I like our chances.
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Wow, incredible performance today,,,Martin is absolutely on fire. The Rodriguez tech fall to Lizak is rough but looks like he should qualify. NaTo has been close all tournament but just win baby...I think he beats Clark but it will be close. Pletcher is wrestling very well, would love to see him take 3rd. Micah Jordan, just wow...overcame a HUGE obstacle in defeating Sorensen...that being said, nobody is beating Retherford but 2nd is huge. I am Mic's biggest fan and did not see that coming. Ryan came back to take 9th but I don't know that qualifies him. Burcher had a huge upset and then falls to a guy from MSU he should have beat...going for 7th but is just so inconsistent. Bo has been hammering though and the big stage is set up for his match against Hall...I think Bo wins but would not be shocked if Hall gets it. Martin is a man possessed right now, I am taking him over Brooks with the way he is wrestling. Moore is once again wrestling lights out...not sure if he can get over the hump and beat Pfarr though. And Snyder will wrestle Medberry, very interest to see how the #2 heavyweight matches up against him.

Right now we are up 117 to 98.5 over PSU...far from over but if we do not completely unravel, it looks like we might do the unthinkable and top PSU tomorrow. Even with no Suriano for PSU, this is big. Can't wait to watch tomorrow.
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Root for the Buckeyes and against PSU tomorrow, duh. But for your rooting interests here is how a poster on PSU rivals board thinks things will/need to break:


Time for some math.

Ohio St 117
Penn St 98.5

1st place: 16 points
2nd place: 12 points
3rd place: 10 points
4th place: 9 points
5th place: 7 points
6th place: 6 points
7th place: 4 points
8th place: 3 points

Consolation bracket advancement: 1/2 point.

Let's look at OSU early session.

Buckeyes have two 7th place matches, 125 Rodriguez vs Purdue Thorton and 165 Burcher vs NW Sebastian. Let's say Onio St splits. 1 point earned.

Pletcher will beat Diehl, but most likely lose vs the McCrystal / Thorn winner. 3.5 points earned. (6th to 4th)

Ohio St probably heads into the finals at 121.5


Jimmy has Cole Martin for 7th. Jimmy already majored Martin 15-3. I'll call Jimmy winning, and a MD is possible. 1 point earned.

Joseph faces Wanzek, already beating him 7-4. To be conservative, let's say Joseph loses a close one to Issac Jordan, although I like VJ to win. 3.5 points earned.

Bo will go on a tear to take 3rd. He will major Emery or worse, and beat the winner of Dudley v Jackson. 4 pts + 0.5 + 1 bonus = 5.5 points earned. Bo could also pin as we know.

McCutcheon will beat Robertson and most likely lose to Studebaker. 3.5 points earned.

Nevills will take a similar path as Bo. He will bonus R. Gross and defeat Jenson. Keep in mind Nevills pinned Jenson in the dual. Let's call 5.5 points for Nevills, but it could be slightly more with a pin.

That gets PSU to 98.5 + 19 = 117.5 heading into finals, with the deficit about 4 pts (121.5 v 117.5)

Things don't always go as scripted, but this should be close.

My theoretical 4 point deficit could be even smaller if we get a major from Jimmy or a pin somewhere from Nickal & Nevills.

Now assume Tomasello and Snyder win their finals, but the Buckeyes don't have any locks vs Sammy Brooks & Brett Pfarr. And the way NaTo has not dominated, I think Clark has a 40/60 shot vs NaTo.

Zain & Nolf will both take care of business and earn at least 1 bonus point in the process. Hopefully 2 or 2.5 bonus between the two.

The tournament team championship could very well come down to Bo Jordan v Mark Hall.

I like our chances tomorrow. A lot has to break right, but I like our chances.
I saw this post over on BSD. The guy who authored it hates OSU with a passion. Pletcher has beaten both guys in front of him and had he not been seeded in Ashnault's bracket he would have been in the finals. I like him to get third. I think Jrod can win against Thorton and Burcher can beat Sebastian but I would not bet my house on either guy given some of their performances this year. That brings us to the finals.

125 - Gilman has been a machine and with Soriano out he will cruise to a win and maybe get outstanding wrestler
133 - NaTo has looked 'off' his game but Clark looks like he's still dinged up and I think NaTo wins a close one
141 - Ashnault wins his second title in a close match over Gasca
149 - Retherford winning seems assured but Micah needs to keep it close and get out from bottom because that will be the key to not giving up bonus
157 - Nolf will win and he could end up sticking Kemmer because he's that good - he's so far above every other 157
165 - Imar in a close match over Massa in a defensive bout
174 - I think a healthy Bo wins just on experience alone but Hall is a prodigy and if Bo can't keep him down and score from bottom he may have a tough time scoring from neutral
184 - The dual match was close and I like Myles to reverse the results today and win his first B1G - If he wins he may be able to avoid Dean's side of the bracket
197 - Kellen had a lot chances to score in the dual and just couldn't convert - if he can convert 2 of those and stay out of the scrambles he can win but Pfarr is funky and he finds ways to win close matches
285 - This is an interesting match and contrast of styles - I like Kyle to win but I'm interested to see if he can wear Medberry down like he has every other 285 - if he can bonus I think that bodes well for our chances
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Rodriguez sticks Thornton to lock up 7th place and an automatic bid to NCAA's, huge win and bonus points are enormous there. Pletcher wins to advance to the 3rd place match...really would like to see him win and help his seeding out...he is a guy that could make a run at NCAA's if he doesn't get put in a bad position with his draws. Burcher lost to take 8th and will have to hope for an at-large bid (not sure if he will really). Same with Ryan, as he just lost to Danishek and will have to hope for an at-large...looks like we might have nobody at 157 or 165.

We are up 123.5 to 116.5 from PSU...the lead is getting tighter and we are going to need to win a few more matches to hold on...but I think we do. I like Toms, Bo, Martin and Snyder to all win in the finals even though only Snyder is a near certainty. Agreed on the point above that Mic needs to avoid giving up bonus to Retherford.
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So right now we are looking at qualifying 8 for NCAA's with wildcards to be issued. I don't think we get 157 or 165 but I've not looked at all possible outcomes. Burcher was so close but just couldn't get the offense going in that last match. Jake came out looking decent but faded quickly and was probably lucky to get that match to SV.
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