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Ohio State Women's Basketball (2023-24 B1G CHAMPS)

South Carolina LitlBuck
You almost made me think I was wrong:biggrin: If they beat James Madison, the next team that they would play would be North Carolina if they win their game. They are the #4 seed in their bracket.. South Carolina is the number #1 seed in their bracket and were undefeated most of the year so they were put in a very difficult bracket to say the least.
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Yes, I would.
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You almost made me think I was wrong:biggrin: If they beat James Madison, the next team that they would play would be North Carolina if they win their game. They are the #4 seed in their bracket.. South Carolina is the number #1 seed in their bracket and were undefeated most of the year so they were put in a very difficult bracket to say the least.
Was my fault. I jumped them over UNC in my bracket and saw that next matchup vs USC. For some reason my brain just moved them right along. Hope thats how it happens.
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Setting the Scene

  • No. 5-seed Ohio State is making its 22nd NCAA Tournament appearance and will open the tournament against CAA Champion and No. 12-seed James Madison on Saturday, March 21.
  • Tip-off is set for approximately 1:30 p.m. ET from Carmichael Arena in Chapel Hill, N.C.
  • The Buckeyes (23-10) have won 12 of their last 15 games and are coming off a run to the B1G Tournament championship game.
  • James Madison is 29-3 on the season and is coming-off winning its second-straight Colonial Athletic Association tournament this past Sunday.
  • The game will be aired live on ESPN2. Marc Kestecher and Christy Winters Scott will call the action.
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Chemistry is fantastic for the gals right now. Alexa Hart playing well as is Ameryst Alston. Mitchell just picked up her second foul though.

All the work Mitchell has done so far but she has no points and 0 for the first half.
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Refs not doing us any favors right now. Hart got bloodied (nose) earlier and no call but we're getting a lot of touch fouls lately. Numerous girls with 2 fouls already
Still up 30-26 with 7 minutes in the first half. Pace is really quick.
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