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Game Thread Ohio State @ Michigan State - 11/10/18, 12:00PM (FOX)

A lot of chatter about this being an ugly game. I don't see it that way. Sparty has a very good defense and they've won quite a few games this year. I saw this as the most complete game the Buckeyes have put together this year. Some mistakes for sure, plenty to work on, but most of the short drives were the result of good D.

I am moderately hopeful for 11/24.
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I know Sparty self-destructed in some of this game but couldn't be prouder of the SILVER BULLETS and Special Teams today. Also, the running game really came on in the 2nd half with Weber getting over 100 yds rushing. We put in Tate which was a nice twist and we would have scored more points if it wasn't for Jordan's bad hike and Pridgeon's two penalties. We should have won by at least 30 points today.
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