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Game Thread Ohio State @ Michigan State - 11/10/18, 12:00PM (FOX)

Always nice to get a win in East Lansing.

Defense played exceptionally, but at the same time, Sparty's offense is fucking terrible.

Still concerned about the O. Hope to see some progress against Turtle next week.

Yeah....UM got 395 on O and held Sparty to 94 (!!!) yards of offense. The score was closer, but UM was much more dominant versus Sparty.

Not that I care that much. I sat out in the cold two years ago to watch OSU squeak by a MUCH worse Sparty team, so I'm definitely not complaining.
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This is a very positive game. Slow start and many bumps. Looks like an early season game adjusting to differences and expectations of the team for players and coaches. I'm very happy with this. Finally looks like the players and coaches getting it together. Not there yet but can see adjustments were made and team played pissed off. D did all game and holy shit do we have a punter. This team is moving up.
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