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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Lady bucks also posted a 4-1 win over ucla to advance to the round of 16, next week.

Ohio State Women's Tennis Team also advances in NCAA Championship Tournament today.....

Ohio State: 4
UCLA : 1

#17 Catherine Harrison, UCLA................5 3....Order of finish: 4
#3 Francesca Di Lorenzo, Ohio State 7 6

Kyle McPhillips, UCLA................ 3 4....Order of finish: 3
#89 Anna Sanford, Ohio State 6 6

Terri Fleming, UCLA..................... 3 5
#96 Gabriella De Santis, Ohio State 6 6

Alaina Miller, UCLA.........3 1... Order of finish: 2
Miho Kowase, Ohio State 6 6

Kristin Wiley, UCLA............... 6 2
Ferny Angeles Paz, Ohio State 7 3

Maia Magill, UCLA....................... 3 0...Order of finish: 1
#81 Sandy Niehaus, Ohio State 6 6

#7 Catherine Harrison/Kyle McPhillips, UCLA
6..... Order of finish: 2
#9 Anna Sanford/Miho Kowase, Ohio State............2

#2 DOUBLES 1 2 3 Notes
Terri Fleming/Alaina Miller,
UCLA...................7..... Order of finish: 3
#58 Gabriella De Santis/Sandy Niehaus, Ohio State 6

Maia Magill/Kristin Wiley, UCLA..............................2...... Order of finish: 1
Olivia Sneed/Francesca Di Lorenzo, Ohio State 6

Just sayin':
Ohio State 29-2; National ranking #4

None of these women are listed as seniors, watch out for next year too!!!!
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Ohio State M Tennis ‏@OhioState_MTEN 47m47 minutes ago
Due to the wind and cool temps, today's match will be indoors at the VTC beginning at Noon.

Being that the match is indoor, live video will be available at http://go.osu.edu/TennisMatchday
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On a side note: #14 Northwestern (to Stanford), Penn State (to #1 UVa), #15 Illinois (to Miss St.), and scUM (to #6 Wake Forest) all lost this weekend.

Ohio State is the only B1G team going to Tulsa.

P.S. Tulsa also lost in the first round to the Ducks. They will be going to Tulsa too (i.e. home); but not to continue in the tournament.....:rofl:

#11 Oklahoma and #16 Oklahoma State both advance and my have an "instate advantage".
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