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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Showdown with. Illini in the B1G final tomorrow.


Buckeyes and Illini meet in B1G Tournament Final for 9th time in 11 years

Doubles Update:

Buckeyes win 6-2 at No. 3 doubles but lose 6-1 at No. 2 doubles.

OhioState_MTEN wins the No. 1 spot 6-2. Buckeyes lead the match 1-0 over @IlliniMTennis.

Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik
4 Steinbach v. Childers
5 Pollanen v. Jiang
6 Joyce v. Jesse
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Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik
4 Steinbach v. Childers
5 Pollanen v. Jiang
6 Joyce v. Jesse

On Ohio State's Twitter....

No. 2 - Diaz and No. 5 - Pollanen each win their first set of singles 6-2.

On Illinois' Twitter.....

No. 3 - @IlliniMTennis takes the first set 6-2, leads the second 2-1.

Each site only reports their winners........:slappy:
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Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic : 7-6 (7-1),
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik : 6-2, 1-4
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik : 2-6, 4-5
4 Steinbach v. Childers : 6-?,
5 Pollanen v. Jiang : 6-2, 2-5
6 Joyce v. Jesse :

Does Minnesota only have 5 courts?
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Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic : 7-6 (7-1), 3-0
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik : 6-2, 3-6,
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik : 2-6, 4-6...Illinois point
4 Steinbach v. Childers : 6-?, 3-4
5 Pollanen v. Jiang : 6-2, 2-6,
6 Joyce v. Jesse : 6-?, 5-4

Ohio State 1 - Illinois 1

The Prize (i.e. 2012 version):

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Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic : 7-6 (7-1), 3-0
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik : 6-2, 3-6,
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik : 2-6, 4-6...Illinois point
4 Steinbach v. Childers : 6-?, 3-4
5 Pollanen v. Jiang : 6-2, 2-6,
6 Joyce v. Jesse : 6-?, 5-4

Ohio State 1 - Illinois 1

The Prize (i.e. 2012 version):


First dropped point by OSU in conf play this year! Keep it rolling......... :mad2:
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Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic : 7-6 (7-1), 3-0
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik : 6-2, 3-6,
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik : 2-6, 4-6...Illinois point
4 Steinbach v. Childers : 6-2, 5-7
5 Pollanen v. Jiang : 6-2, 2-6,
6 Joyce v. Jesse : 6-2, 6-4.....Ohio State point

Ohio State 2 - Illinois 1

They corrected the No 4 match...WTF
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Doubles Lineup:
1 - Torpegaard/Pollanen v. Vukic/A. Hiltzik : 6-2
2 - Steinbach/Joyce v. Jiang/J. Hiltzik : 1-6
3 - Mendez/DiFeo v. Childers/Page : 6-2
....Ohio State point

Singles Lineup:
1 Torpegaard v. Vukic : 7-6 (7-1), 6-1.....Ohio State point
2 Diaz v. J Hiltzik : 6-2, 3-6, 1-4, unfinished
3 DiFeo v. A Hiltzik : 2-6, 4-6...Illinois point
4 Steinbach v. Childers : 6-2, 5-7, unfinished
5 Pollanen v. Jiang : 6-2, 2-6, 6-1.....Ohio State point
6 Joyce v. Jesse : 6-2, 6-4.....Ohio State point

Ohio State 4 - Illinois 1

Game...Set...Match...B1G Tournament Championship

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