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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Torpegaard on Top! Sophomore Ranked No. 1 in the Country
Torpegaard is the fourth Buckeye in the last 10 years to be ranked No. 1 in the country

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State sophomore Mikael Torpegaard is the No. 1 ranked singles player in collegiate tennis according the latest Oracle/ITA Rankings released on Tuesday.

Torpegaard has spent the last three weeks at No. 2 before claiming the top spot this week. He is the fourth Buckeye in the last 10 years to be ranked No. 1 in the country, joining Peter Kobelt in 2013, Bryan Koniecko in 2009 and Steve Moneke in 2007.

The Denmark native has been dominant this spring. He has yet to be beaten in 27 matches in 2016 and has dropped just four sets. Torpegaard has a singles record of 24-2 overall and is 18-0 at the Nos. 1 and 2 spots.

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At the match yesterday after the win the whole team donned B1G championship tshirts!
I could not understand why with a showdown with once beaten Illinois set for Sunday.
It was announced last night that Illinois lost to Penn State Friday afternoon, so the 2016 undisputed B1G champions are The Ohio State Buckeyes!
Probably need a thread title update to now reflect it is 11 consecutive titles!
Recap from the official site.
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