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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

The post match report indicated Di Feo developed a severe leg cramp in the second set.
He took medical time out, tried to gut it out but could not be competitive,
he dropped the 2nd set 2-6, and down 0-5 in the 3rd, when Diaz clinched and match was declared unfinished.
I am hoping it is not a slow healing condition, he is way too valuable in the 2 spot.
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Bucks claim a 4-3 win vs usf today.
A big dubs point and singles wins at #1 Torp, #5 Pollanen, and #6 Martin Joyce,
This is a critical juncture, southern swing and transition from indoors to an outdoor venue is a challenge that normally takes time.
Glad to see the Bucks managed to perform well and avoid the loss associated with the change.
Next up is a trip to top 20 Georgia with that sec power house waiting for an outdoor upset vs #4 ranked Buckeyes.
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Next up is a trip to top 20 Georgia with that sec power house waiting for an outdoor upset vs #4 ranked Buckeyes.

ATHENS, Ga. – Playing outside for the second time this season, the No. 4 Ohio State men’s tennis team had its seven-match win streak snapped with a 4-2 setback at No. 19 Georgia.

The Buckeyes slip to 16-2 on the season with its only other loss this season coming to top-ranked North Carolina.
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I did not know that they played tennis in Nebraska but I guess that they try 4-0 Buckeyes.

Don't all Nebraska corn farmers have a tennis court in their cornfield?


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This last weekend was a good weekend for Ohio State men's tennis:

04/15/16 at Minnesota: Won 4-0
04/17/16 at Wisconsin: Won 4-0

Next up, home matches against (#15) NW and (#17) Illinois:

04/22/16 vs. Northwestern at 6:00 p.m. ET
04/24/16 vs. Illinois at 12:00 p.m. ET
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