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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Just sayin': I found 3 sites that says he was just a junior (i.e. class of 2016) this year and the Dispatch and Mansfield paper articles says he was runner-up:




Re: 4-star recruit, #140 overall

If he was a junior this year, I'd expect him to improve more his senior year and be ranked even higher when he comes to Ohio State in the Fall of 2016.
I stand corrected. However, the recruiting network is somewhat deceiving in that it states he is a "Rising Senior, Class of 2016". I have seen him play before when he was a freshman and going to Bexley high school. He was extremely good back then and I imagine that he is very good right now. The one thing that stands out about him is his athleticism.
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The 2015-16 tennis schedule is out.
Most noteworthy; Oklahoma,Texas, Texas A&M, Georgia, Florida, and USF will offer stellar out of conference competition.
Last Match of the B1G conference schedule is on 4/24, a home match vs. Illinois!

The roster for 2015-16 is also posted on the official site,
Excited to see new additions,
Tucker Loses Metka and Callahan and reloads with 4 Blue chip recruits:
Hugo Di Feo, Martin Joyce, Kyle Seelig, Hunter Tubert.
As well as returning the strength of the 2015 B1G co champs: Torp, Diaz, Pollanen, and Steinbach.
If everyone stays eligible and healthy, this team will exceed last years outstanding season.
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If everyone stays eligible and healthy, this team will exceed last years outstanding season.

Just sayin': Ty Tucker has set such a high standard for this team, that (in my opinion) finishing 2nd in the B1G (after 10 straight B1G titles) and losing to OU at home to break the home consecutive NCAA win streak just wasn't considered an "outstanding season", etc.

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Just sayin': Ty Tucker has set such a high standard for this team, that (in my opinion) finishing 2nd in the B1G (after 10 straight B1G titles) and losing to OU at home to break the home consecutive NCAA win streak just wasn't considered an "outstanding season", etc.


Actually the tennis Bucks were co-champions of the B1G in 2015, thus the 10 straight in the title.
The Buckeyes loss at Illinois, was thought to be the end of the streak, until Illini lost to Minnesota and the 3 teams ended the season with 1 conference loss apiece, sharing the title.
To your credit my use of "outstanding" to describe the 2015 season, was a reach.
In reflecting on the season, I believe Hugo, Torp, Polannen, steinbach and Diaz will Be anchors in the lineup and the freshmen Seelig and Joyce will make some huge contributions soon.
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Actually the tennis Bucks were co-champions of the B1G in 2015, thus the 10 straight in the title.
The Buckeyes loss at Illinois, was thought to be the end of the streak, until Illini lost to Minnesota and the 3 teams ended the season with 1 conference loss apiece, sharing the title.
To your credit my use of "outstanding" to describe the 2015 season, was a reach.
In reflecting on the season, I believe Hugo, Torp, Polannen, steinbach and Diaz will Be anchors in the lineup and the freshmen Seelig and Joyce will make some huge contributions soon.
what about little Alex:frown:
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Torpegaard with another Double's victory at a Future this week. This time he partnered with fellow Buckeye Pollanen to bring home the title. Congrats to the Buckeyes putting in work this summer and getting things done in preparation for the coming season.


Impressive, especially since they weren't one of the 4 seeded teams.
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Torpegaard with another Double's victory at a Future this week. This time he partnered with fellow Buckeye Pollanen to bring home the title. Congrats to the Buckeyes putting in work this summer and getting things done in preparation for the coming season.

I thought there was a Certain amount a time that players had to quit playing in tournaments before school/season began. I thought that was the reason the one freshman was ineligible last season.
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I thought there was a Certain amount a time that players had to quit playing in tournaments before school/season began. I thought that was the reason the one freshman was ineligible last season.

Just sayin': I don't fully understand it; (just maybe) this could be the bylaw...

I have no idea when he graduated from high school; however..... Tennis.

In tennis, a student-athlete who does not enroll in a collegiate institution as a full-time student in a regular academic term within six months (or the first opportunity to enroll after six months have elapsed) after his or her high school graduation date or the graduation date of his or her class (as determined by the first year of high school enrollment or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility and based on the prescribed educational path in the student-athlete’s country), whichever occurs earlier, shall be subject to the following:

(a) The student-athlete shall be charged with a season of intercollegiate eligibility for each calendar year after the six-month period has elapsed (or the next opportunity to enroll) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per By law 14.02.9.

(b) After the six-month period, if the student-athlete has engaged in organized competition per By law 14.02.9, on matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year in residence for each calendar year after the six-month period has elapsed (or the next opportunity to enroll) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in such competition before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition.
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Just sayin': I don't fully understand it; (just maybe) this could be the bylaw...

I have no idea when he graduated from high school; however..... Tennis.

In tennis, a student-athlete who does not enroll in a collegiate institution as a full-time student in a regular academic term within six months (or the first opportunity to enroll after six months have elapsed) after his or her high school graduation date or the graduation date of his or her class (as determined by the first year of high school enrollment or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility and based on the prescribed educational path in the student-athlete’s country), whichever occurs earlier, shall be subject to the following:

(a) The student-athlete shall be charged with a season of intercollegiate eligibility for each calendar year after the six-month period has elapsed (or the next opportunity to enroll) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in organized competition per By law 14.02.9.

(b) After the six-month period, if the student-athlete has engaged in organized competition per By law 14.02.9, on matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year in residence for each calendar year after the six-month period has elapsed (or the next opportunity to enroll) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in such competition before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition.
No wonder kids are confused with NCAA regulations.. You almost have to be a lawyer to completely understand some of their bylaws.
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