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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Buckeyes tried to fight back from a 3-1 deficit, squared the match at 3-3, before A & M captured the 4th point to advance to the quarters.
An impressive season for the B1G champions and we can rightly anticipate an even stronger team next year when their best player will be available, along with a strong incoming class of blue chip Freshman.
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An impressive season for the B1G champions and we can rightly anticipate an even stronger team next year when their best player will be available, along with a strong incoming class of blue chip Freshman.

How much stronger (twice this year's squad, walk-over the Big Ten level)?

I keep very detailed records of all the OSU athletic programs for almost 20 years (for donation purposes). Ty Tucker's program is No. 3 behind Fencing and Rowing (it's No. 2, if looking at sports w/ 80+ schools).

So I have no doubt Tucker will have a strong team.
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According to this list we are getting two guys ranked in front of Illinois' best recruit. In addition, one is a top 10 recruit nationally.

Looks like each section (blue-chip, 5-star, etc.) is ordered alphabetically, here are the recruits' direct links with Head recruiting rankings:

Martin Joyce #30 nationally, blue-chip from IL
Kyle Seelig #17 nationally, blue-chip from PA
Hunter Tubert #39 nationally, 5-star from WV
Alex Kobelt #309 nationally, 3-star from New Albany

Class is ranked #6 overall.
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Looks like each section (blue-chip, 5-star, etc.) is ordered alphabetically, here are the recruits' direct links with Head recruiting rankings:

Martin Joyce #30 nationally, blue-chip from IL
Kyle Seelig #17 nationally, blue-chip from PA
Hunter Tubert #39 nationally, 5-star from WV
Alex Kobelt #309 nationally, 3-star from New Albany

Class is ranked #6 overall.

Add in Hugo Di Feo as well, since he will be eligible next year as far as I know.
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Looks like each section (blue-chip, 5-star, etc.) is ordered alphabetically, here are the recruits' direct links with Head recruiting rankings:

Martin Joyce #30 nationally, blue-chip from IL
Kyle Seelig #17 nationally, blue-chip from PA
Hunter Tubert #39 nationally, 5-star from WV
Alex Kobelt #309 nationally, 3-star from New Albany

Class is ranked #6 overall.


According to this list we are getting two guys ranked in front of Illinois' best recruit. In addition, one is a top 10 recruit nationally.

Add in Hugo Di Feo as well, since he will be eligible next year as far as I know.

This year Ohio State only had 2 seniors (i.e. Callahan and Metka) who played at #4 and #5 respectively. Torpegaard (#1), Diaz (#2), Pollanen (#3), and Steinbach (#6) all should be back. There is also Mendez, Reist, and Shewalter on the roster.

If everyone listed comes back I think they should be better in 2015/2016 than they were in 2014/2015.

Also, here is a recent Dispatch article:

Men’s tennis: Ohio State enjoys fruits of challenging season

This season of Ohio State men’s tennis might be best remembered for the two eye-popping winning streaks that came to an end.

The first came on March 6, when the Buckeyes’ NCAA-record run of 200 straight victories on their home court that dated to 2003 was broken with a 4-3 loss to No. 1 Oklahoma.

Three weeks later, Ohio State’s string of 97 consecutive Big Ten victories ended with a 4-0 loss at Illinois.
It could be argued that Ohio State has exceeded expectations. Canadian recruit Hugo Di Feo was scheduled to step in at the top of the singles order and replace departed pro Peter Kobelt. But Di Feo was ruled ineligible by the NCAA before the season began, and injuries and sickness took another toll.

“We had a six-man rotation, basically, and (seventh man) Matt Mendez did a great job when he was put in (the lineup),” Tucker said. “I’m not shocked we’re here, but there were no easy matches.”
“It’s been an up-and-down ride,” coach Ty Tucker said.

Entire article: http://buckeyextra.dispatch.com/con...ens-tennis-ohio-state-season-challenging.html
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Jacob Wareti from Academy, located in Gahanna, has "committed" to Ohio State. He won the division II singles championship this past season and is a senior. I did not know about his national ranking but I do not think it is aas high as some of the guys that Tucker has recruited for this upcoming season.
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Jacob Wareti from Academy, located in Gahanna, has "committed" to Ohio State. He won the division II singles championship this past season and is a senior. I did not know about his national ranking but I do not think it is aas high as some of the guys that Tucker has recruited for this upcoming season.


Just sayin': I found 3 sites that says he was just a junior (i.e. class of 2016) this year and the Dispatch and Mansfield paper articles says he was runner-up:




Re: 4-star recruit, #140 overall

If he was a junior this year, I'd expect him to improve more his senior year and be ranked even higher when he comes to Ohio State in the Fall of 2016.
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