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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Buckeyes will host the regional round one and two of the NCAA tournament.
OSU will play against Buffalo on Friday, May 8 and if they win will advance to the 2nd round on May 9.
Buckeyes are #11 seed over all in the tourney and would potentially face #6 seed Texas A & M in the round of 16 and #3 seed Virginia in the quarters.
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Four Buckeyes were also selected to compete in the NCAA individual portion of the tournament, after the team competition is decided.
Chris Diaz and Michael Torpegaard qualified based on ITA rankings.
Also in Doubles, Kevin Metka and Steinbach pair qualified and will be seeded among the top 8.
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Buckeyes will host the regional round one and two of the NCAA tournament.
OSU will play against Buffalo on Friday, May 8 and if they win will advance to the 2nd round on May 9.
Buckeyes are #11 seed over all in the tourney and would potentially face #6 seed Texas A & M in the round of 16 and #3 seed Virginia in the quarters.
The women's team also made it to the NCAA but that is about all I know.
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