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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Chase Buchanan also got into the main draw for the doubles at the US Open.

That means there will be three former Buckeyes competing in this year's Open.

Buchanan is playing with Tennys Sandgren and they play Mate Pavic/Andre Sa first round.

Kobelt is playing with Hunter Reese, who got the automatic bid by beating Kobelt/Metka in the finals of the NCAA this year. Since Reese's partner in that match was not an American, the spot was given to Kobelt. They play Michael Llodra/Nicolas Mahut.
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Kobelt has advanced to the singles finals of the men's collegiate invitational division at the u.s. Open.
Defeated #2 seed clay Thompson in 2 breakers today and will face #1 seed Sarmiento, in the finals.
Edit, Giron is Kobe's finals opponent!
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