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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

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At a Challenger in Ecuador, former Buckeye Chase Buchanan got to the semis of the singles and won the doubles this past weekend. He and other former Buckeyes continue to rise in the world rankings. And a few current players (indicated with *) are ranked too:

81 Blaz Rola
187 Chase Buchanan
411 Steven Moneke
494 Dino Marcan
590 Devin McCarthy
606 Connor Smith
809 Peter Kobelt
911 *Herkko Pollanen
953 *Hugo Di Feo
1851 *Hunter Callahan
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Chase Buchanan won his qualifying draw to earn entrance into the main draw of the western and southern tournament in Cincinnati,
Blaz Rola also received a lucky loser entry into the main draw.
Impressive OSU representation among the elite level players in the ATP.

Looks like Chase lost a tough 3 setter; took the first then lost the last two in tiebreaks


Still, an over 11K payday is huge at his stage.
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Rola lost a tough 3 setter, dropped a tie break in the 3rd to an unseeded Benneteau.
Benneteau has since advanced to the semifinals, including yesterdays win over #3 seed Stan Wawrinka.
So in a positive perspective for Rola, Benneteau has lost 2 sets in the tournament, one to Wawrinka, the other to Blaz.
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