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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Had hoped that the official site might update the men's roster and schedule for the fall season,
but the ITA released the selections for the men's All American tournament this fall.
Receiving invitations for the qualifying round were these 4 Buckeyes:
Ralf Steinbach, Kevin Metka, Hunter Callahan, and Herko Pollanennen.
Selected for the prequalifying round were:
Chris Diaz,
Matt Mendez, R.s freshman;
Riley Reist, R.S. Freshman;
And a surprise addition to the Buckeye roster from Denmark, Michael Torpegaard!
Not included in the selections for the ITA all American tournament was new freshman Hugo Di Feo.
Hugo was ranked by the ITA as the #9 newcomer/freshman for 2014!

Also discovered that Marko Goles-Babic transferred to San Diego state.
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dem calf muscles....when do you think they'll ask me to be on the team???
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Some more good matchups; @ A&M, Oklahoma, @ Florida, @ Texas, Kentucky, Notre Dame

@gracelhink - do you think OSU will take the Indoors/Outdoors again or do you think someone like Illinois can break through?

Yes those non conference MATCHUPS will be tough!!!
Especially concerned that the home winning streak will be ended by one of Oklahoma, Notre dame or Kentucky.
Obviously when tOSU heads south and plays outdoors early, they are at a major disadvantage. So a&m, Texas and Florida will be learning experiences.
Last years win at the indoors was one of Tucker's miracles.
They will be a 4 or 5 seed this year, I.e., not a favorite, but tucker is special!
He is far and away the best talent developer in the NCAA!
So anything can happen,
Loosing Kobelt bumps everyone up, we will not be able to count on a sure w at the #1 singles position,
but I like the depth with the addition of Mendez, di feo and Torpegaard in the lineup.
Re. Illinois, I look at their roster and they are absolutely loaded!
Their singles match up better in the ITA rankings at every position vs. the Buckeyes.
Their coach is not an asset for their team however.
Tsun will struggle this year, maybe ind, psu or NW will show up,
So gracelhink too early prediction is that Illini have to be the b1g favorite.
But never count out a Ty tucker led team!
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Five buckeyes will be playing in todays qualifying round of the all American tournament in Tulsa.
Callahan, Diaz, pollannen, Metka and Steinbach, will try to advance to the main draw.
Yesterday new buckeye mikael Torpegaard lost in the final round of the pre qualifiers.
Go bucks!
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The 2014-15 roster is up: http://www.ohiostatebuckeyes.com/sports/m-tennis/mtt/osu-m-tennis-mtt.html

It was mentioned already about Goles-Bobic transferring, but I also notice that Evan Bechtel is no longer on the roster. Anyone know where he went?

Regardless, the lineup looks strong. Hopefully one of the two new players (Di Feo or Torpegaard) can play near the top of the lineup. The bottom of the lineup all return and will be strong. Still, replacing Kobelt will be a tall task.
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