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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

The team was not prepared for this game. It appears that they thought they would blow Iowa away. It is a disgusting display. A shameful, disgraceful game so far. I hope to be surprised tomorrow, but this one isn't worth staying up past midnight to watch.

A damn shame.

But for the lack of obnoxious quotes or frustration cheap shots, this is up there with Coop's last game and the Air Force Liberty Bowl debacle.
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THIS FRANCHISE KNOWS HOW TO LOSE SPECTACULARLY. Never a close, well fought loss. Always need a band-aid on my ass after an Buckeye loss as it is always a massacre. Oh well, time for tequila and a bonfire once the clock strikes 0. Never know what could happen, but this one will not end well. Still going to watch as I love my team.
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